Projeto Minissupercomputador: Características Gerais do Sistema MS-8701
Descreveremos em termos gerais o Minissupercomputador (Sistema MS 8701). Este computador de alto desempenho é constituido de múltiplos módulos de processamento (até 64) baseados em microprocessadores CISC monoliticos de 32 bits. Discorreremos também sobre a evolução da arquitetura e algumas das características do Sistema Operacional Multiprocessador (LS1-S0.01), ora em implementação no Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis - LSI DEE EPUSP.
HWANG, K.; "Advanced Parallel Processing with Supercomputer Architetures Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 75, no. 10, October/1987
MOKHOFF, N.; "Parallelism Breeds a New Class of Supercomputers"; Computer Design, vol. 26, no 6, March 15, 1987.
THAKKAR, S.; GIFFORD, P.;FIELLAND, G; "The Balance Multiprocessor System"IEEE Micro, February 1988.
HINDIN, Harve J.; "Minissupercomputer Invade Mainstream Applications"; UNIX/WORLD Magazine, vol.4,no. 12,December 1987.
MOTOROLA INC.; "MC68020 32-BIT Microprocessor User's Manual"; PRENTICE-HALL INC., 1984.
MOTOROLA INC.; "The VMEbus Specification"; VITA, Rev. C.1, October 1985
MAYBERRY, Walter; EFLAND, Gregry; "CacheBoots Multiprocessor Performance", COMPUTER DESIGN, November 1984.
VanAKEN Jerry; "Match Cache Architecture to the Computer System";ELETRONIC DESIGN, March 4, 1982.
SEERY, Jim and LaROCCA; "System level Strategy attacks Key Multiuser Bottlenecks", COMPUTER DESIGN, January, 1988.
WILSON, Ron; "Designers rescue Superminicomputers from I/O Bottle-neck", COMPUTER DESIGN, October, 1987.
GROSSMAN, C.P; "Cache-DASD Storage Design for Improving System Performance", IBM System Journal, 1985.
AGRANAL, D.P and JAIN, R.; "A Pipeline Pseudoparalellism System Architecture for Real-Time Dynamic Scene Analysis", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, October, 1982.
BUCHANAN, Gregory F. and GAULLIER, Frangois; "A Distribuited Terminal Controller for HP Precision Architecture Computers Running the MPE XLOperating System"; HEWLETT-PACKARD Journal, March, 1987.
"I/O Modules - Input/Output Channel Specificacion Manual "MOTOROLA, March, 1982.
CALVO, J. and ACHA, J.I.; "Asynchronous Modular Arbiter", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER, January, 1986.
BEASTON, John and TETRICK, R.Scott; "Designers Confront Metastability in Boards and Buses" COMPUTER DESIGN, March, 1986.