O Sistema Multiprocessador ACP no CBPF

  • Carla Osthoff Barros Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia


The Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas in collaboration with Fermi National Laboratory is participating on the development of multiprocessors systems which is easy to use and low cost effective to solve many computational problems in High Energy Physics and in others fields. CBPF in the moment has a system with 21 processors and is developing basic and application software for the ACP in collaboration with others institutes.


Nash, T. et al., "The ACP Multiprocessor System at FERMILAB", Fermilab Conf.86/132.

Nash, T. et al., "The Fermilab Advanced Computer Program Multimicroprocessor Project", Proc.Conf.Computing in High Energy Physics, Amsterdam, June de 1985 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986) and references therein.

Nash, T. et al., "Software for Event Oriented Processing on Multiprocessor Systems, Processor and software research for High-Energy Physics, Guanajuato, México (1974) p. 175.

Bus Switch Specification, BSS. R.ATAC/ACP/FERMILAB.

ACP 68020 CPU Module User's Manual. R. ATAC/ACP/FERMILAB.

E-769 Acquisition System. C.Gay/Toronto University.

Projeto MSPARALLEL. Projeto de colaboração entre LNCC/CNPq, Universidade Simon Bolivar, IM/UFRJ e CBPF/CNPq.

A colaboração com o IFT visa a pesquisa em algoritimos paralelos e aplicações à física e matemática.

A colaboração com a COPPE está desenvolvendo trabalhos de pesquisas em conjunto com os departamento de Sistemas de Computação, de Engenharia Elétrica, e Engenharia Civil.

Schulze,B. e Valois, R., "Segunda Geração de Processadores Paralelos do Advanced Computer Program.
How to Cite
BARROS, Carla Osthoff. O Sistema Multiprocessador ACP no CBPF. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), [S.l.], p. 206-209, sep. 1988. ISSN 0000-0000. Available at: <https://sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/sbac-pad/article/view/23539>. Date accessed: 18 may 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbac-pad.1988.23539.