Systematic approach for migrating to a structured reporting context based on free-text reports and the DICOM Structured Reporting guidelines

  • Eduardo Beckauser UFSC
  • Vinicius Andreoli Petrolini UFSC
  • Alexandre Savaris UFSC
  • Aldo von Wangenheim UFSC
  • Dirk Krechel Hochschule RheinMain Wiesbaden


Even with the many advantages of adopting a structured reporting system, there is little convention on how to disseminate this routine into the report environment. This work proposes a systematic approach to migrate a system routine from free-text reports to structured reports, focusing on the DI- COM Structured Reporting guidelines. We evaluated this proposal by creating a reporting module in the context of a telemedicine system, and performing case study covering ultrasonography reports. Using the AdEQUATE model, the eval- uation showed a high user perception from the system, directly reflecting the quality of our proposal. The results are a set of defined premises and steps that turns a telemedicine system into a complete structured reporting environment.


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BECKAUSER, Eduardo; PETROLINI, Vinicius Andreoli; SAVARIS, Alexandre ; WANGENHEIM, Aldo von; KRECHEL, Dirk. Systematic approach for migrating to a structured reporting context based on free-text reports and the DICOM Structured Reporting guidelines. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPUTAÇÃO APLICADA À SAÚDE (SBCAS), 19. , 2019, Niterói. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 94-105. ISSN 2763-8952. DOI:

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