Relatório de Pesquisa NESCoM 2021

  • Leandro Costalonga Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Marcus Vinícius das Neves Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo


The NESCoM is a multidisciplinary research centre formed by musicians, engineers and computer scientists. This paper reports the ongoing projects and developments over the last two years, thus it is an update over the research report published in 2019. As a Brazilian research group, with solid international collaboration, we have opted to intercalate the language used to write the report, therefore the 2021 version is written in Portuguese. The main projects developed in these two years timeframe are related to interaction design based on (bio)musicality, robotic music performance, and ubiquitous music. In addition, a strong artistic production is also described. If you are interested to get to know more about the projects, do not hesitate to contact us.
Palavras-chave: Artificial Intelligence, A-Life and Evolutionary Music Systems, Computer Music and Creative processes, Music Expressiveness, Music Information Retrieval, Music Perception, Psychoacoustics, and Cognition, Music, Society, and Technology, Software Systems and Languages for Sound and Music


M. Costalonga, Leandro;Miletto, Evandro;Pimenta, “Musicality Centred Interaction Design to Ubimus: a First Discussion,” in Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, 2019, pp. 640–651. [Online]. Available:

L. L. Costalonga, M. S. Pimenta, and M. M. Wanderley, “Can Ubimus Technologies affect our Musicality?,” Per Musi, no. 40, pp. 1–16, 2020, doi: 10.35699/2317-6377.2020.25941.

H. A. F. Camporez, T. S. R. Mota, E. M. v. Astorga, H. R. O. Rocha, and L. L. Costalonga, “RoboMus: Uma Plataforma para Performances Musicais Robóticas,” in Aplicações em Musica Ublíqua, 1st ed., D. Keller and M. H. de Lima, Eds. São Paulo, Brasil: ANPPOM, 2018, pp. 58–93.

D. Keller, L. Costalonga, M. Messina, D. Keller, L. Costalonga, and M. Messina, “Editorial: Ubiquitous Music Making in COVID-19 Times EDITORIAL Ubiquitous Music Making in COVID-19 Times,” 2020. Accessed: Jun. 23, 2021. [Online]. Available:

H. Camporez, A. Garcia, J. Silva, L. Costalonga, and E. H. Rocha, “Internet das Coisas Musicais Aplicada a Instrumentos Musicais Robóticos (Internet of Musical Things Applied to Robotic Musical Instruments),” International Journal of Digital Media and Interaction Special Issue on Ubiquitous Music, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 89– 101, May 2020, Accessed: Jun. 24, 2021. [Online]. Available:

H. Araújo Fim Camporez, A. Frizera Neto, L. Lesqueves Costalonga, and H. Roberto de Oliveira Rocha, “Interface Computacional para Controle Musical Utilizando os Movimentos dos Olhos,” 2018. Accessed: Nov. 19, 2018. [Online]. Available:

H. Camporez, Y. M. de Freitas, J. A. L. Silva, L. L. Costalonga, and H. R. de O. Rocha, “Features extraction and segmentation for an assistive musical interface,” Nov. 2020. doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.4248230.

H. Camporez, J. Silva, L. Costalonga, and H. Rocha, “RoboMus: Robotic Musicians Synchronization,” Nov. 2020. doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.4247718.

L. L. Costalonga, M. S. Pimenta, and E. R. Miranda, “Understanding biomechanical constraints for modelling expressive performance: A guitar case study,” Journal of New Music Research, vol. 48, no. 4, 2019, doi: 10.1080/09298215.2019.1643892.

L. Costalonga, D. Coura, M. V. das Neves, F. Costa, and H. Rocha, “NESCoM Research Report (2019),” Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical (SBCM), pp. 151–154, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.5753/SBCM.2019.10437.
COSTALONGA, Leandro; NEVES, Marcus Vinícius das. Relatório de Pesquisa NESCoM 2021. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPUTAÇÃO MUSICAL (SBCM), 18. , 2021, Recife. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 282-286. DOI: