The Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM 2021) bring the papers selected and presented in the online edition of the event held in Recife/PE, from October 24-27, 2021. In this issue, the proceedings include 51 full papers. These papers were selected through a double-blind review. This volume was organized by Giordano Cabral (UFPE/CESAR), Filipe Calegario (UFPE), Tiago Fernandes Tavares (UNICAMP), Ivan Simurra (UFAC), Flávio Luiz Schiavoni (UFSJ), Cristiano Figueiró (UFBA), Isabel Nogueira (UFRGS), Claudio Rogerio Gomes da Silva (UNIFAP), Geber Ramalho (UFPE/CESAR), Juciane Araldi Beltrame (UFPB), Alessandra Aleluia Alves (UFPE), Anderson Rufino dos Santos Silva (UFPE), Flaviano Dias Fontes (UFPE), Gustavo Tenório Carneiro (UFPE), Horhanna Almeida de Oliveira (UFPE), Jáder Anderson Oliveira de Abreu (UFPE), João Pedro Mendes de Oliveira (UFSJ), João Tratemberg (Batebit), Márcia Vanderlei (UFPE), Mariana Pereira Lellis (UFSJ), Mychelline Souto Cunha (UFPE), Nathália Fernandes (UFPE), Ricardo Brazileiro (UFPE), and Tales Humberto de Aquino Boratto (UFJF).

You can find more information about SBCM 2021 by visiting the website of the event.

Published: 2021-10-24

Full Papers

Short Papers

Studio and Laboratory Reports
