Generating Adaptation Plans Based on Quality Models for Cloud Platforms

  • Jorge Luiz Machado da Silva Unicamp
  • Breno Bernard Nicolau de França Unicamp
  • Cecília Mary Fischer Rubira Unicamp


Cloud computing brought up several benefits concerning cost and scale, offering support services for infrastructure provisioning targeting data processing and storage according to application demands. However, it is not trivial to ensure the trustworthiness of associated resources, i.e., the trust of a client in a cloud service and its provider. Hence, one of the main barriers is to warrant the nonfunctional properties of trustworthiness during runtime. This paper presents a new infrastructure to generate adaptation plans based on quality models to ensure different trustworthiness properties. On detecting the degradation of cloud resources regarding the monitored properties, an adaptation plan is generated and executed during runtime to ensure that cloud resources can work under proper trustworthiness levels. The proposed solution intends to be general, possibly being applied to several trustworthiness properties simultaneously. Finally, we evaluated the solution in a feasibility study under a scenario considering data privacy and performance as trustworthiness properties.
Palavras-chave: Adaptation Planning, Trustworthiness, Self-adaptive Systems, Cloud Computing
SILVA, Jorge Luiz Machado da; FRANÇA, Breno Bernard Nicolau de; RUBIRA, Cecília Mary Fischer. Generating Adaptation Plans Based on Quality Models for Cloud Platforms. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 34. , 2020, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 .