SmallVDM: An Environment for Formal Specification and Prototyping in Smalltalk

  • Silvio Lemos Meira UFPE
  • Cássio Souza dos Santos UFPE


We present an environment for specification and prototyping of object-oriented systems in Smalltalk along with a style of specification, which allows the definition of some object-oriented characteristics in VDM. A set of auxiliary tools stimulates the development of specifications on-line and fast prototyping. The presentation is mostly informal and the mechanism is exemplified by giving an object-based specification of a simple process scheduler. We discuss the gains of using formal methods, coupled with a good programming environment, in the implementation of object-oriented software systems.


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MEIRA, Silvio Lemos; SANTOS, Cássio Souza dos. SmallVDM: An Environment for Formal Specification and Prototyping in Smalltalk. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 5. , 1991, Ouro Preto/MG. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1991 . p. 221-236. DOI: