Towards a viewpoint oriented design methodology for Multi-processor Real-Time Systems

  • L. Zhang Delft University of Technology
  • J. van Katwijk Delft University of Technology


In this paper we describe a design methodology for the development of (potentially multi-processor) real-time system. Our proposed methodology differs fundamentally from current methodology and serves to help manage the complexity of massive-intensive systems. One of the distinguishing aspects of this methodology is in its ability to express timing constraints and verify to what extent such constraints are met. A second distinguishing aspect of this methodology is to develop a system according to five views of systems. In particular, the problems concerned with the transformation of the specifications into the parallel programs are addressed. The proposed methodology is applied to develop an onboard generator for generating transfer frames, complyannt to the CCSDS Recommendations [34], [35]. This onboard generator is implemented on a transputer network [1], [2].

Palavras-chave: Real-time systems, specification, performance evaluation, parallel processing, CCSDS, Transputer


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ZHANG, L.; KATWIJK, J. van. Towards a viewpoint oriented design methodology for Multi-processor Real-Time Systems. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 8. , 1994, Curitiba/PR. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1994 . p. 223-250. DOI: