Modelando a Determinação de Potenciais Du-Caminhos Através da Análise de Fluxo de Dados

  • Marcos L. Chaim UNICAMP
  • José C. Maldonado USP
  • Mario Jino UNICAMP


An approach to obtain the solution of the potential du-path determination problem, established by Potential Uses Criteria [MAL88a], [MAL88b], is presented. It is shown that this problem is a distributive monotonic data flow analysis framework [HEC77] and that the MOP Solution [HEC77] solves this problem, enabling, in this way, the use of Horwitz, Demers and Teitelbaum's algorithms [HOR87] which are optimizations of Kildall [HEC77] and Kam and Ullman [KAM77] algorithms. Furthermore, an estimated processing cost of the determination of the potential du-path set is presented.


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CHAIM, Marcos L.; MALDONADO, José C.; JINO, Mario. Modelando a Determinação de Potenciais Du-Caminhos Através da Análise de Fluxo de Dados. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (SBES), 3. , 1989, Recife/PE. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1989 . p. 239-251. DOI: