Towards the support of user preferences in search-based product line architecture design: an exploratory study

  • Carlos Vinicius Bindewald UEM
  • Willian M. Freire UEM
  • Aline M. M. Miotto Amaral UEM
  • Thelma Elita Colanzi UEM


Software Product Lines (SPLs) is a reuse approach in which a family of products is generalized in a common architecture that can be adapted to different clients. The Product Line Architecture (PLA) is one of the most important artifacts of a SPL. PLA design requires great human effort as it involves several factors that are usually in conflict. To ease this task, PLA design can be formulated as an optimization problem with many factors, i.e, as a multi-objective optimization problem. In this context, the MOA4PLA approach was proposed to optimize PLA design using search algorithms and metrics specific to the context. This approach supported by OPLA-Tool has already been used in several works demonstrating its applicability. However, MOA4PLA does not take into account aspects that are subjective, such as the preferences of a particular Decision Maker (DM). To do so, this paper presents a proposal to incorporate the user preferences in the optimization process performed by MOA4PLA, through an interactive process in which the DM subjectively evaluates the solutions in processing time. Thus, the solutions generated can be better suited to the DM's needs or preferences. In order to allow the user interaction, modifications were made in MOA4PLA and implemented in the OPLA-Tool. Aiming at an initial validation of the proposal, an exploratory study was carried out, composed of two experiments: a qualitative and a quantitative. These experiments were realized with the participation of a software architect. Empirical results pointed out that the proposed interactive process enables the generation of PLAs that are in accordance with the architect's preferences. Another significant contribution are the lessons learned on how to improve the interactive process.

Palavras-chave: Product Line Architecture, Multi-Objective Optimization, Humancomputer interaction.


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BINDEWALD, Carlos Vinicius; FREIRE, Willian M.; AMARAL, Aline M. M. Miotto; COLANZI, Thelma Elita. Towards the support of user preferences in search-based product line architecture design: an exploratory study. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 33. , 2019, Salvador. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 .