CST-Godot: Bridging the Gap Between Game Engines and Cognitive Agents

  • Gustavo Morais UNICAMP
  • Ian Loron UNICAMP
  • Luiz Coletta UNICAMP
  • Anderson Silva UNICAMP
  • Alexandre Simões UNESP
  • Ricardo Gudwin UNICAMP
  • Paula Costa UNICAMP
  • Esther Colombini UNICAMP


Cognitive architectures (CA) exist in the neighborhood of research in general AI. However, despite the high importance placed on classical AI techniques in developing complex videogame systems and the success the CA field has had in producing intelligent behavior of different kinds, it has gone largely unexplored in the context of videogame development. This paper presents a framework for implementing cognitive agents based on CAs in the Godot game engine. We employ the Cognitive Systems Toolkit (CST) for this purpose, providing opportunities for development in the academic sphere, primarily for creating experiments and visualizers that take advantage of Godot's physics and rendering libraries. In the context of videogame development, it can help expand upon classical AI techniques and enable more complex and interesting systems' implementation. As a concept proof, we show how a reinforcement learning-based agent can successfully learn how to behave in a game designed under this cognitive environment.
Palavras-chave: Video games, Visualization, Games, Learning (artificial intelligence), Rendering (computer graphics), Libraries, Cognitive systems, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Architectures, Godot, Reinforcement learning
MORAIS, Gustavo; LORON, Ian; COLETTA, Luiz; SILVA, Anderson; SIMÕES, Alexandre; GUDWIN, Ricardo; COSTA, Paula; COLOMBINI, Esther. CST-Godot: Bridging the Gap Between Game Engines and Cognitive Agents. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 21. , 2022, Natal/RN. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 67-72.