Game Genre Classification: a comparative analysis between two digital platforms

  • Yasmin Caroline Pivatto Motta UNIVALI
  • Rafael Marques de Albuquerque UNIVALI


This article analyzes the genre classification of games on Steam and Epic Games digital platforms. Games have gained prominence in the entertainment market, and the game genre is fundamental to influence creation. The classification is carried out by the curation of the stores and by the users. Documentary research was conducted through the analysis of game pages on selected platforms. The results revealed the diversity of genres assigned by curators, as well as user preferences through markers. The comparative analysis of the ratings on the platforms allows understanding the approaches adopted by each one and the users' perception in relation to the games.
Keywords: electronic games, genre classification, Steam, Epic Games, curation, users


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MOTTA, Yasmin Caroline Pivatto; ALBUQUERQUE, Rafael Marques de. Game Genre Classification: a comparative analysis between two digital platforms. In: ART & DESIGN TRACK – FULL PAPERS - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER GAMES AND DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT (SBGAMES), 22. , 2023, Rio Grande/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 12-20. DOI: