An Evaluation of the GamAnalytics Tool: Is the Gamification Analytics Model Ready for Teachers?


In order to improve students' learning outcomes, researchers and practitioners have increasingly applied gamification in technology-enhanced learning environments. However, some studies in the literature have reported unexpected negative results with that. To avoid these unexpected outcomes in gamified learning systems, we proposed the ``gamification analytics model for teachers" in a previous study. This model allows teachers to monitor and adapt the gamification design in the run-time of the teaching-learning process. In this paper, we present the results obtained in an empirical study to assess teachers' perception and acceptance regarding the GamAnalytics tool, a tool developed based on our proposed model that allows teachers to monitor students' interaction with learning resources and game elements and adapt tailored missions for students in gamified educational systems. The results indicate that the teachers have significantly good behavioral intention to use our tool and good perception of its usefulness and ease of use. The teachers also indicated enjoyment, relevance, and self-efficacy, and that the tool does not cause anxiety.


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TENÓRIO, Kamilla; DERMEVAL, Diego; CHALLCO, Geiser Chalco; LEMOS, Bruno; NASCIMENTO, Pedro; SANTOS, Rodrigo; SILVA, Alan Pedro da. An Evaluation of the GamAnalytics Tool: Is the Gamification Analytics Model Ready for Teachers?. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO (SBIE), 31. , 2020, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 562-571. DOI: