Are we ready? Identifying the gap between academia and software industry in the context of agile methodologies


Nowadays, there is an exponential increase in the technology industry. However, there is not enough movement to promote changes in the Computer Science curricula. This study aims to analyze the alignment between Brazilian northeast academia and the global industry regarding developing skills in the context of agile methods. This research conducted an exploratory and quantitative survey with 161 participants represented by 65 students, 85 professionals from 10 countries, and 16 university professors. The preliminary results illustrate that academics believe that they are moderately aligned with the market. However, from the practitioner's viewpoint, it is unsatisfactory. This article reports relevant findings that can help the Brazilian academy align its practices with the needs of the global software industry.

Palavras-chave: Industry-Academia Collaboration, University, Global Software Community, Agile, Survey


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DALLEGRAVE, Tamara; VASCONCELOS, Gabriela; ALVES, Geovanne; SANTOS, Wylliams. Are we ready? Identifying the gap between academia and software industry in the context of agile methodologies. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO (SBIE), 32. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 35-47. DOI: