BOCADE: Improving the User Experience (UX) of Competitive Programming Contestants with a Visual Studio Code Extension

  • Luiz Gustavo Albuquerque dos Santos Instituto Federal Goiano
  • Fabíola G. C. Ribeiro Instituto Federal Goiano
  • Kenia S. de Oliveira Instituto Federal de Brasília


The BOCA programming contest management system provides a web interface for contestants. Moreover, contestants use standard code editors to develop their code. However, these editors are not optimized for the specific context of use of competitive programming. Therefore, in this paper, we present BOCADE, an extension for Visual Studio Code with the following functionalities: built-in BOCA interface and PDF viewer, automated test cases extraction and execution panel, and a mechanism for quick workspace organization. To evaluate the extension, two usability tests were conducted — a formative and a summative. The results suggests that the extension provides a superior UX for competitive programming contestants compared to the traditional setup.


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SANTOS, Luiz Gustavo Albuquerque dos; RIBEIRO, Fabíola G. C.; OLIVEIRA, Kenia S. de. BOCADE: Improving the User Experience (UX) of Competitive Programming Contestants with a Visual Studio Code Extension. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO (SBIE), 35. , 2024, Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 1099-1113. DOI: