PLeTs - Uma Linha de Produto de Ferramentas de Teste Baseado em Modelos
Nos últimos anos, uma grande diversidade de ferramentas de teste foi desenvolvida para apoiar as atividades de teste de software. No entanto, a maioria delas foram individualmente e independentemente desenvolvidas. Assim, elas enfrentam dificuldades de integração, evolução, manutenção e reutilização. Linhas de Produto de Software (LPS) oferece a possibilidade de gerar sistematicamente produtos de software a custos mais baixos, em menor tempo e com maior qualidade. Neste trabalho, é proposta uma LPS de ferramentas de teste que suportam Teste Baseado em Modelos. Além disso, são apresentado dois exemplos de uso, realizados em cooperação com uma indústria de TI, onde foram geradas a partir de nossa LPS quatro ferramentas de teste que suportam TBM.
Produto, Teste, Linha, Modelos
Abbors, F., Backlund, A., and Truscan, D. (2010). MATERA - An Integrated Framework for Model-based Testing. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, pages 321–328.
Apache. JMeter Performance Test.
Bass, L., Clements, P., and Kazman, R. (1997). Software Architecture in Practice. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
Beuche, D. (2012). Modeling and building software product lines with pure::variants. In Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference - Volume 2.
Clements, P. and Northrop, L. (2001). Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
Costa, L. T. (2012). Conjunto de Caracter ́ısticas para Teste de Desempenho: Uma Visao a Partir de Ferramentas. Master’s thesis, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
DeMillo, R., Lipton, R., and Sayward, F. (1978). Hints on Test Data Selection: Help for the Practicing Programmer. Computer, 1:34–41.
Dias Neto, A. C., Subramanyan, R., Vieira, M., and Travassos, G. H. (2007). A Sur- vey on Model–based Testing Approaches: A Systematic Review. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Empirical assessment of software engineering languages and technologies, pages 31–36.
El-Far, I. K. and Whittaker, J. A. (2001). Model-based Software Testing. In Marciniak, J., editor, Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, pages 825–837. Wiley.
Harrold, M. J. (2000). Testing: A Roadmap. In Proceedings of the Conference on The Future of Software Engineering, page 381.
Hartman, A. and Nagin, K. (2004). The AGEDIS Tools for Model Based Testing. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 29:129–132.
Hewlett Packard - HP. Software HP LoadRunner.
Huima, A. (2007). Implementing Conformiq Qtronic. In Petrenko, A., Veanes, M., Tretmans, J., and Grieskamp, W., editors, Testing of Software and Communicating Systems, pages 1–12. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Krueger, C. and Clements, P. (2012). Systems and software product line engineering with BigLever software Gears. In Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference.
Linden, F. J., Schmid, K., and Rommes, E. (2007). Software Product Lines in Action: The Best Industrial Practice in Product Line Engineering. Springer–Verlag New York, Inc.
Myers, G. J. and Sandler, C. (2004). The Art of Software Testing. John Wiley & Sons.
Northrop, L. M. (2002). SEI’s Software Product Line Tenets. IEEE Software, 19:32–40.
Oliveira, E. A., Gimenes, I. M. S., and Maldonado, J. C. (2010). Systematic Management of Variability in UML-based Software Product Lines. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16:2374–2393.
Perez, J. and Guckenheimer, S. (2006). Software Engineering with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System. Pearson Education.
Petrenko, A., Yevtushenko, N., Lebedev, A., and Das, A. (1993). Nondeterministic State Machines in Protocol Conformance Testing. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Protocol Test Systems VI, pages 363–378.
Pohl, K., Bockle, G., and Linden, F. J. v. d. (2005). ̈ Software Product Line Engineering: Foundations, Principles and Techniques. Springer–Verlag New York, Inc.
Rapps, S. and Weyuker, E. J. (1985). Selecting Software Test Data Using Data Flow Information. Transactions on Software Engineering, 11:367–375.
Rodrigues, E. M. (2013). PLeTs - A Product Line of Model-based Testing Tools. PhD thesis, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Rodrigues, E. M., Passos, L., Teixeira, L., Oliveira, F., Zorzo, A. F., and Saad, R. (2014). On the requirements and design decisions of an in-house component-based spl auto- mated environment. In 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pages 1–6.
Rodrigues, E. M., Viccari, L. D., and Zorzo, A. F. (2010). PLeTs - Test Automation using Software Product Lines and Model Based Testing. In Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pages 483–488.
Rodrigues, E. M., Zorzo, A. F., Oliveira Junior, E. A., Souza, I. M. G., Maldonado, J. C., and Domingues, A. R. P. (2012). Plugspl: An automated environment for supporting plugin-based software product lines. In 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pages 647–650.
Roubtsov, V. EMMA: a Free Java Code Coverage Tool.
SEI. Software Engineering Institute - Case Studies.
Shafique, M. and Labiche, Y. (2010). A Systematic Review of Model-based Testing Tool Support. Technical report, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Silveira, M. B. (2012). Conjunto de caracter ́ısticas para teste de desempenho : uma visão a partir de modelos. Master’s thesis, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Silveira, M. B., Rodrigues, E. M., Zorzo, A. F., Vieira, H., and Oliveira, F. (2011). Model based Automatic Generation of Performance Test Scripts. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pages 1–6.
Sommerville, I. (2011). Software Engineering. Pearson/Addison–Wesley.
Thum, T., Kastner, C., Erdweg, S., and Siegmund, N. (2011). Abstract Features in Feature Modeling. In Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Software Product Line Conference, pages 191–200.
Utting, M. and Legeard, B. (2006). Practical Model-Based Testing: A Tools Approach.Morgan Kaufmann.
Veanes, M., Campbell, C., Grieskamp, W., Schulte, W., Tillmann, N., and Nachmanson, L. (2008). Model–based Testing of Object-oriented Reactive Systems with Spec Ex-plorer. In Hierons, R. M., Bowen, J. P., and Harman, M., editors, Formal methods and testing, pages 39–76. Springer–Verlag.
Vincenzi, A., Maldonado, J., Wong, W., and Delamaro, M. (2005). Coverage Testing of Java Programs and Components. Science of Computer Programming, 56:211–230.
Weiss, D. M. and Lai, C. T. R. (1999). Software Product-line Engineering: A Family-based Software Development Process. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
Apache. JMeter Performance Test.
Bass, L., Clements, P., and Kazman, R. (1997). Software Architecture in Practice. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
Beuche, D. (2012). Modeling and building software product lines with pure::variants. In Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference - Volume 2.
Clements, P. and Northrop, L. (2001). Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
Costa, L. T. (2012). Conjunto de Caracter ́ısticas para Teste de Desempenho: Uma Visao a Partir de Ferramentas. Master’s thesis, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
DeMillo, R., Lipton, R., and Sayward, F. (1978). Hints on Test Data Selection: Help for the Practicing Programmer. Computer, 1:34–41.
Dias Neto, A. C., Subramanyan, R., Vieira, M., and Travassos, G. H. (2007). A Sur- vey on Model–based Testing Approaches: A Systematic Review. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Empirical assessment of software engineering languages and technologies, pages 31–36.
El-Far, I. K. and Whittaker, J. A. (2001). Model-based Software Testing. In Marciniak, J., editor, Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, pages 825–837. Wiley.
Harrold, M. J. (2000). Testing: A Roadmap. In Proceedings of the Conference on The Future of Software Engineering, page 381.
Hartman, A. and Nagin, K. (2004). The AGEDIS Tools for Model Based Testing. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 29:129–132.
Hewlett Packard - HP. Software HP LoadRunner.
Huima, A. (2007). Implementing Conformiq Qtronic. In Petrenko, A., Veanes, M., Tretmans, J., and Grieskamp, W., editors, Testing of Software and Communicating Systems, pages 1–12. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Krueger, C. and Clements, P. (2012). Systems and software product line engineering with BigLever software Gears. In Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference.
Linden, F. J., Schmid, K., and Rommes, E. (2007). Software Product Lines in Action: The Best Industrial Practice in Product Line Engineering. Springer–Verlag New York, Inc.
Myers, G. J. and Sandler, C. (2004). The Art of Software Testing. John Wiley & Sons.
Northrop, L. M. (2002). SEI’s Software Product Line Tenets. IEEE Software, 19:32–40.
Oliveira, E. A., Gimenes, I. M. S., and Maldonado, J. C. (2010). Systematic Management of Variability in UML-based Software Product Lines. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16:2374–2393.
Perez, J. and Guckenheimer, S. (2006). Software Engineering with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System. Pearson Education.
Petrenko, A., Yevtushenko, N., Lebedev, A., and Das, A. (1993). Nondeterministic State Machines in Protocol Conformance Testing. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Protocol Test Systems VI, pages 363–378.
Pohl, K., Bockle, G., and Linden, F. J. v. d. (2005). ̈ Software Product Line Engineering: Foundations, Principles and Techniques. Springer–Verlag New York, Inc.
Rapps, S. and Weyuker, E. J. (1985). Selecting Software Test Data Using Data Flow Information. Transactions on Software Engineering, 11:367–375.
Rodrigues, E. M. (2013). PLeTs - A Product Line of Model-based Testing Tools. PhD thesis, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Rodrigues, E. M., Passos, L., Teixeira, L., Oliveira, F., Zorzo, A. F., and Saad, R. (2014). On the requirements and design decisions of an in-house component-based spl auto- mated environment. In 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pages 1–6.
Rodrigues, E. M., Viccari, L. D., and Zorzo, A. F. (2010). PLeTs - Test Automation using Software Product Lines and Model Based Testing. In Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pages 483–488.
Rodrigues, E. M., Zorzo, A. F., Oliveira Junior, E. A., Souza, I. M. G., Maldonado, J. C., and Domingues, A. R. P. (2012). Plugspl: An automated environment for supporting plugin-based software product lines. In 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pages 647–650.
Roubtsov, V. EMMA: a Free Java Code Coverage Tool.
SEI. Software Engineering Institute - Case Studies.
Shafique, M. and Labiche, Y. (2010). A Systematic Review of Model-based Testing Tool Support. Technical report, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Silveira, M. B. (2012). Conjunto de caracter ́ısticas para teste de desempenho : uma visão a partir de modelos. Master’s thesis, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Silveira, M. B., Rodrigues, E. M., Zorzo, A. F., Vieira, H., and Oliveira, F. (2011). Model based Automatic Generation of Performance Test Scripts. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pages 1–6.
Sommerville, I. (2011). Software Engineering. Pearson/Addison–Wesley.
Thum, T., Kastner, C., Erdweg, S., and Siegmund, N. (2011). Abstract Features in Feature Modeling. In Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Software Product Line Conference, pages 191–200.
Utting, M. and Legeard, B. (2006). Practical Model-Based Testing: A Tools Approach.Morgan Kaufmann.
Veanes, M., Campbell, C., Grieskamp, W., Schulte, W., Tillmann, N., and Nachmanson, L. (2008). Model–based Testing of Object-oriented Reactive Systems with Spec Ex-plorer. In Hierons, R. M., Bowen, J. P., and Harman, M., editors, Formal methods and testing, pages 39–76. Springer–Verlag.
Vincenzi, A., Maldonado, J., Wong, W., and Delamaro, M. (2005). Coverage Testing of Java Programs and Components. Science of Computer Programming, 56:211–230.
Weiss, D. M. and Lai, C. T. R. (1999). Software Product-line Engineering: A Family-based Software Development Process. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
Como Citar
RODRIGUES, Elder de Macedo; ZORZO, Avelino Francisco.
PLeTs - Uma Linha de Produto de Ferramentas de Teste Baseado em Modelos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DE SOFTWARE (SBQS), 13. , 2014, Blumenau.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 341-355.