Guitar Tuner and Song Performance Evaluation Using a NAO robot

  • Rodrigo Melo UFPE
  • Rodrigo Monteiro UFPE
  • José Paulo de Oliveira UPE
  • Bruno Jeronimo UFPE
  • Carmelo Bastos-Filho UPE
  • Anna Priscilla de Albuquerque UFPE
  • Judith Kelner UFPE


Music has interested human beings since the beginning of their evolution, and its benefits go far beyond pure entertainment. For example, music therapy is a well-known tool used to treat psychological disorders, such as hyperactivity. instruments is not a learning musical On the other hand, trivial task and can be frustrating. Then, children might lose their interest due to difficulties related to understanding the music theory. Aware of this scenario, the technology has been more and more employed in music education to reinforce the existing methodologies and encourage more people to learn music. Following this trend, we propose an alternative use for the NAO robot in this paper: music education. We intend to use the robot to help students tune guitars and evaluate simple songs’ performance in the same instruments. We achieved this goal by combining robot features with signal processing techniques.
Palavras-chave: Robots, Music, Education, Microphones, Harmonic analysis, Tactile sensors, Light emitting diodes, human-robot interaction, edutainment, music education, NAO robot, audio signal processing
MELO, Rodrigo; MONTEIRO, Rodrigo; DE OLIVEIRA, José Paulo; JERONIMO, Bruno; BASTOS-FILHO, Carmelo; DE ALBUQUERQUE, Anna Priscilla; KELNER, Judith. Guitar Tuner and Song Performance Evaluation Using a NAO robot. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 17. , 2020, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 359-364.