RepositORE: A Learning Objects Repository for Educational Robotics

  • Kefton David Nunes De Melo UERN
  • Clayton Carlos Santos Costa UERN
  • Thalia Katiane Sampaio Gurgel UERN / UFERSA
  • Sebastião Emidio Alves Filho UERN / UFERSA


Education is a motivating area for the use of technologies because the learning process can become more dynamic and interesting. Among the technological resources used in education, Educational Robotics stands out by enabling the development of technological projects that can involve techniques of construction and manipulation of robots and enable the development of the creative process, logical reasoning, and interdisciplinarity. However, acquiring knowledge in this area can be a complex task since the learning objects are spread due to the increase in content production brought by the massive use of the Internet. Thus, the present work has as a general objective present RepositORE, a repository where these objects of Educational Robotics can be stored and searched by users who need to acquire specific abilities. For Educational Robotics objects to be found faster and achieve their technical and pedagogical goals, the system uses metadata for the correct description of stored objects based on the Dublin Core Metadata standard. To improve and simplify the search for objects, an adaptation and extension of the Dublin Core standard was made to represent the specific information for Educational Robotics. RepositORE allows users to insert new content and collaborate through complementing information from objects registered by other users.
Palavras-chave: Conferences, Education, Production, Metadata, Search problems, Cognition, Internet, Learning Objects, Educational Robotics, Meta-data, Dublin Core, Collaborative Systems
MELO, Kefton David Nunes De; COSTA, Clayton Carlos Santos; GURGEL, Thalia Katiane Sampaio ; ALVES FILHO, Sebastião Emidio. RepositORE: A Learning Objects Repository for Educational Robotics. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 19. , 2022, São Bernardo do Campo/SP. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 418-423.