Accessibility in Electronic Government: a study on the implementation of web standards in sites

  • Alberto Oliveira University of Sao Paulo
  • Marcelo Eler University of Sao Paulo


In Brazil, the use of e-government is a relatively new. It first started in 2000, and since then, the web platform, through the web sites, has been widely used to strengthen the relationship with the Brazilian citizen, to provide services and to enhance transparency and access to information. Among the main patterns of e-government, the e-MAG and e-PWG models stand out. The first model is responsible for digital accessibility guidelines, and the second model is a set of technical guidelines for the development of sites and managing digital content. The Brazilian government is also implementing, since 2013, the Government Digital Identity, a project that aims to standardize the navigation logic and the structure of government sites from the federal level. This article aims to show that key government sites, despite all efforts, still do not implement the standards set by the Brazilian Electronic Government properly. We used code validators to evaluate and to analyze thirty-nine sites related to the ministries of the federal government. During our analysis, we found errors that compromise the access to digital information guaranteed by specific legislation to any Brazilian citizen.

Keywords: Governo Eletrônico, e-Governo, acessibilidade digital, W3C, padrões web, WCAG, e-MAG, e-PWG


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OLIVEIRA, Alberto; ELER, Marcelo. Accessibility in Electronic Government: a study on the implementation of web standards in sites In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS (SBSI), 11. , 2015, Goiânia. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2015 . p. 691-698. DOI: