Coral Platform: The Smart Startup Ecosystem Tool

  • Rafael Escalfoni CEFET/RJ
  • Leonardo Marinho UFRJ
  • Camila Lacerda UFRJ
  • Rodrigo Oliveira UFRJ
  • Kesia Mamede UFRJ
  • Mônica Silva UFRJ
  • Jonice Oliveira UFRJ


A smart startup ecosystem must own capabilities and information to the accurate allocation of resources among its participants. So, it uses the synergy of partnerships to enhance startups and boost new ventures. The constant evolution of such communities implies an exponential increase in produced data, which can bring essential business insights, despite the involved technical challenges, such as diverse sources, structures, and meanings. To tackle these issues, we are developing the Coral Platform, that joins a repository of data collectors and preprocessors, a flexible dataset, graph models, and ways of visualization.
Palavras-chave: Startup Ecosystem, tool, Coral Platform


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ESCALFONI, Rafael; MARINHO, Leonardo; LACERDA, Camila; OLIVEIRA, Rodrigo; MAMEDE, Kesia; SILVA, Mônica; OLIVEIRA, Jonice. Coral Platform: The Smart Startup Ecosystem Tool. In: ENCONTRO DE INOVAÇÃO EM SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO (SBSI), 16. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 202-205. DOI: