Disseminação de Mensagens de Acidentes em Redes Veiculares
Este trabalho compara três protocolos (flooding, gossiping e ROVER) no contexto de redes veiculares. Eles foram desenvolvidos, utilizando o padrão de comunicação veicular IEEE 802.11p, para disseminar mensagens sobre um acidente para a região de interesse, de forma que os receptores, além de terem conhecimento sobre o acidente, possam escolher rotas alternativas para evitar a ocorrência de novos acidentes e aumentar a segurança na rodovia.Referências
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Zhao, J. and Cao, G. (2008). Vadd: Vehicle-assisted data delivery in vehicular ad hoc networks. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 57(3):1910–1922.
Atechian, T. and Brunie, L. (2008). Dg-castor for query packets dissemination in vanet. In Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems, 2008. MASS 2008. 5th IEEE International Conference on, pages 547–552.
Banzi, A. S., Pozo, A. T. R., and Duarte Jr., E. P. (2011). Bio-inspired event dissemination in dynamic and decentralized networks. In GECCO (Companion), pages 223–224.
Ding, B., Chen, Z., Wang, Y., and Yu, H. (2011). An improved aodv routing protocol for vanets. In Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2011 International Conference on, pages 1–5.
Eugster, P., Guerraoui, R., Kermarrec, A. M., and Massoulie, L. (2004). Epidemic information dissemination in distributed systems. Computer, 37(5):60–67.
Hartenstein, H. and Laberteaux, K. (2008). A tutorial survey on vehicular ad hoc networks. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 46(6):164 –171.
Jacobsson, M., Guo, C., and Niemegeers, I. (2005). A ooding protocol for manets with In Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems self-pruning and prioritized retransmissions. Conference, 2005. IEEE International Conference on, pages 9 pp. –49.
Jiang, D. and Delgrossi, L. (2008). Ieee 802.11p: Towards an international standard for wireless access in vehicular environments. In Vehicular Technology Conference, 2008. VTC Spring 2008. IEEE, pages 2036–2040.
Kihl, M., Sichitiu, M., and Joshi, H. (2008). Design and evaluation of two geocast protocols for vehicular ad-hoc networks. Journal of Internet Engineering.
Korkmaz, G., Ekici, E., Özgüner, F., and Özgüner, U. (2004). Urban multi-hop broadcast protocol for inter-vehicle communication systems. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Vehicular ad hoc networks, VANET ’04, pages 76–85. ACM.
Li, F. and Wang, Y. (2007). Routing in vehicular ad hoc networks: A survey. Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE, 2(2):12–22.
Perkins, C. and Royer, E. (1999). Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing. In Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 1999. Proceedings. WMCSA ’99. Second IEEE Workshop on, pages 90–100.
Seada, K. and Helmy, A. (2006). Efcient and robust geocasting protocols for sensor networks. Comput. Commun., 29(2):151–161.
Tostes, A. I., Duarte-Figueiredo, F., Almeida, J., and Loureiro, A. A. F. (2012). Modelo analítico de contenção de tráfego em vanet usando dados reais de mobilidade. WPerformance CSBC 2012, page 14.
Zhao, J. and Cao, G. (2008). Vadd: Vehicle-assisted data delivery in vehicular ad hoc networks. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 57(3):1910–1922.
Como Citar
CASTRO, Mauro S. de; TOSTES, Anna Izabel J.; DUARTE-FIGUEIREDO, Fátima de L. P.; LOUREIRO, Antonio A. F..
Disseminação de Mensagens de Acidentes em Redes Veiculares. In: SEMINÁRIO INTEGRADO DE SOFTWARE E HARDWARE (SEMISH), 40. , 2013, Maceió.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 344-355.
ISSN 2595-6205.