Modelo de NGN baseado em MIP, IEEE 802.21 e SIP para computação ubíqua
Há alguns anos, percebe-se um grande interesse da indústria de telecomunicações pela integração de redes heterogêneas. A convergência de dispositivos e de redes caminha a passos largos na direção do que é conhecido como Next Generation Networks (NGN). A NGN visa à interoperabilidade de diversas tecnologias de rede propiciando infraestrutura de suporte à computação ubíqua. Para que o conceito de NGN se torne aplicável, é necessário utilizar alguns novos mecanismos, como por exemplo, protocolos e arquiteturas que dêem suporte ou realizem a integração de tecnologias heterogêneas. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de integração de redes baseado em Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Mobile IP (MIP) e IEEE 802.21. Para avaliar se o modelo atende as exigências de QoS estipuladas pela 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), simulações foram conduzidas. O desempenho de aplicações diversas foi analisado em ambiente simulado de uma rede WiMax integrada a uma rede UMTS(3G). O modelo mostrou-se eficaz em relação ao suporte à mobilidade, sem perdas de conexão e desempenho, no ambiente heterogêneo integrado.Referências
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ITU, I. T. U. (2005). ITU-T NGN FG Proceedings Part I.
Jo, J. and Cho, J. (2008). A cross-layer vertical handover between mobile wimax and 3g networks. In Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2008. IWCMC ’08. International, pages 644–649.
Jung, Y.-C., Kim, B.-K., and Kim, Y.-T. (2007). Sip based end-to-end qos negotiation scheme for mih. In Broadband Convergence Networks, 2007. BcN ’07. 2nd IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on, pages 1–12.
Khan, M., Ismail, M., and Dimyati, K. (2009). Seamless handover between wimax and umts. In Communications (MICC), 2009 IEEE 9th Malaysia International Conference on, pages 826–830.
Kim, S. T., Koh, S. J., and Kyoung-Hee, L. (2009). Network-based fast handover for IMS applications and services. In Advanced Communication Technology, 2009. ICACT 2009. 11th International Conference on, volume 02, pages 1133–1136.
Le, L. and Li, G. (2007). Cross-layer mobility management based on mobile ip and sip in ims. In Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2007. WiCom 2007. International Conference on, pages 803–806.
Santos, W. P. d., Reis, S. O., Nogueira, R. S., and Figueiredo, F. d. L. P. D. (2011). Modelo de handover vertical suave entre redes wimax e umts. XVI Workshop de Gerência e Operação de Redes e Serviços.
Silvana, G. and Schulzrinne, H. (2008). Sip and 802.21 for service mobility and pro-active authentication. In Communication Networks and Services Research Conference, 2008. CNSR 2008. 6th Annual, pages 176–182.
Taniuchi, K., Ohba, Y., Fajardo, V., Das, S., Tauil, M., Cheng, Y.-H., Dutta, A., Baker, D., Yajnik, M., and Famolari, D. (2009). IEEE 802.21: Media independent handover: Features, applicability, and realization. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 47(1):112–120.
Wang, Q., Abu-Rgheff, M., and Akram, A. (2004). Design and evaluation of an integrated mobile ip and sip framework for advanced handoff management. In Communications, 2004 IEEE International Conference on, volume 7, pages 3921 – 3925 Vol.7.
Wang, Q. and Abu-Rgheff, M. A. (2006). Mobility management architectures based on joint mobile ip and sip protocols. Wireless Communications, IEEE, 13(6):68–76.
Zeadally, S., Siddiqui, F., DeepakMavatoor, N., and Randhavva, P. (2004). Sip and mobile ip integration to support seamless mobility. In Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2004. PIMRC 2004. 15th IEEE International Symposium on, volume 3, pages 1927 – 1931 Vol.3.
Antoniou, J. (2004). Coverage and capacity planning in enhanced umts. Master’s thesis, University of Cyprus Departament of Computer Science.
ITU, I. T. U. (2005). ITU-T NGN FG Proceedings Part I.
Jo, J. and Cho, J. (2008). A cross-layer vertical handover between mobile wimax and 3g networks. In Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2008. IWCMC ’08. International, pages 644–649.
Jung, Y.-C., Kim, B.-K., and Kim, Y.-T. (2007). Sip based end-to-end qos negotiation scheme for mih. In Broadband Convergence Networks, 2007. BcN ’07. 2nd IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on, pages 1–12.
Khan, M., Ismail, M., and Dimyati, K. (2009). Seamless handover between wimax and umts. In Communications (MICC), 2009 IEEE 9th Malaysia International Conference on, pages 826–830.
Kim, S. T., Koh, S. J., and Kyoung-Hee, L. (2009). Network-based fast handover for IMS applications and services. In Advanced Communication Technology, 2009. ICACT 2009. 11th International Conference on, volume 02, pages 1133–1136.
Le, L. and Li, G. (2007). Cross-layer mobility management based on mobile ip and sip in ims. In Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2007. WiCom 2007. International Conference on, pages 803–806.
Santos, W. P. d., Reis, S. O., Nogueira, R. S., and Figueiredo, F. d. L. P. D. (2011). Modelo de handover vertical suave entre redes wimax e umts. XVI Workshop de Gerência e Operação de Redes e Serviços.
Silvana, G. and Schulzrinne, H. (2008). Sip and 802.21 for service mobility and pro-active authentication. In Communication Networks and Services Research Conference, 2008. CNSR 2008. 6th Annual, pages 176–182.
Taniuchi, K., Ohba, Y., Fajardo, V., Das, S., Tauil, M., Cheng, Y.-H., Dutta, A., Baker, D., Yajnik, M., and Famolari, D. (2009). IEEE 802.21: Media independent handover: Features, applicability, and realization. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 47(1):112–120.
Wang, Q., Abu-Rgheff, M., and Akram, A. (2004). Design and evaluation of an integrated mobile ip and sip framework for advanced handoff management. In Communications, 2004 IEEE International Conference on, volume 7, pages 3921 – 3925 Vol.7.
Wang, Q. and Abu-Rgheff, M. A. (2006). Mobility management architectures based on joint mobile ip and sip protocols. Wireless Communications, IEEE, 13(6):68–76.
Zeadally, S., Siddiqui, F., DeepakMavatoor, N., and Randhavva, P. (2004). Sip and mobile ip integration to support seamless mobility. In Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2004. PIMRC 2004. 15th IEEE International Symposium on, volume 3, pages 1927 – 1931 Vol.3.
Como Citar
ATOURASSAP, Felipe; FIGUEIREDO, Fátima de Lima Procópio Duarte.
Modelo de NGN baseado em MIP, IEEE 802.21 e SIP para computação ubíqua. In: SEMINÁRIO INTEGRADO DE SOFTWARE E HARDWARE (SEMISH), 39. , 2012, Curitiba/PR.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 119-130.
ISSN 2595-6205.