PHAVEA: uma arquitetura de peer help para ambientes virtuais de ensino e de aprendizagem
Este artigo descreve a arquitetura para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de peer help, denominada PHAVEA, a qual visa oferecer aos diferentes perfis de usuários de ambientes colaborativos de ensino, um sistema de ajuda baseado na interação entre seus usuários, formando redes de aprendizagem, assim como promover a alimentação de um banco de FAQ’s a partir dos auxílios prestados.Referências
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Harris, R. A. e Hosier, W. J. (1991) “A taxonomy of online information”, Technical Communication, v.38, n.2, p.197-210.
Kostuik, K. e Vassileva, J. (1999) “Free Market Control for a Multi-Agent Based Peer Help Environment”. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Agents for Electronic Commerce and Managing the Internet-Enabled Supply Chain, held in association with the Agents '99, Seattle, p.1-5.
Kumar, V.S. (2004) “An instrument for providing formative feedback to novice programmers”, In: Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, Division I - Education in the Professions, San Diego, p.72.
Nardi, B., Whittaker, S. e E. Bradner, (2000) “Interaction and Outeraction: Instant Messaging in Action”. In: Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'00), New York, ACM Press, p.79-88.
Pressley, M., Wood, E., Woloshyn, V.E., Martin V., King, A. e Menke, D. (1992) “Encouraging mindful use of prior knowledge: Attempting to construct explanatory answers facilitate learning”, Educational Psychologist, v.27, n.1, January 1992, p.91-109.
Ribak, A., Jacovi, M. e Soroka, V. (2002)"Ask before you search: peer support and community building with reachout". In: Proceedings of the 2002 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, New York, ACM Press, p.126-135.
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Vouligny, L. e Robert, J. M. (2005) “Online Help System Design Based on the Situated Action Theory”, In: Anais da Conferência Latinoamericana de Interacción Humano-Computador, Mexico, p.23-26.
Wen, H. F. (2007) “Empirical Studies of Online Help”, [link], Abril.
Cavalca, A. e Nunes, D.K. (2009) “PHMoodle: Peer help para auxiliar usuários do Moodle”, Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, Faculdade de Informática, PUCRS.
Constant, D., Sproull, L. e Kiesler, S. (1996) “The kindness of strangers: the usefulness of electronic weak ties for technical advice”, Organization Science, v.7, n.2, p.119-135.
Figueiredo, A.D. de. (2002) “Redes e Educação: A Surpreendente Riqueza de um Conceito”, Conselho Nacional de Educação/Ministério da Educação, Lisboa.
Greer, J., Mccalla, G., Collins, J., Kumar, V., Meagher, P. e Vassileva, J. (1998) “Supporting peer help and collaboration in distributed workplace environments”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, v.9, n.2, p.159-177.
Harris, R. A. e Hosier, W. J. (1991) “A taxonomy of online information”, Technical Communication, v.38, n.2, p.197-210.
Kostuik, K. e Vassileva, J. (1999) “Free Market Control for a Multi-Agent Based Peer Help Environment”. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Agents for Electronic Commerce and Managing the Internet-Enabled Supply Chain, held in association with the Agents '99, Seattle, p.1-5.
Kumar, V.S. (2004) “An instrument for providing formative feedback to novice programmers”, In: Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, Division I - Education in the Professions, San Diego, p.72.
Nardi, B., Whittaker, S. e E. Bradner, (2000) “Interaction and Outeraction: Instant Messaging in Action”. In: Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'00), New York, ACM Press, p.79-88.
Pressley, M., Wood, E., Woloshyn, V.E., Martin V., King, A. e Menke, D. (1992) “Encouraging mindful use of prior knowledge: Attempting to construct explanatory answers facilitate learning”, Educational Psychologist, v.27, n.1, January 1992, p.91-109.
Ribak, A., Jacovi, M. e Soroka, V. (2002)"Ask before you search: peer support and community building with reachout". In: Proceedings of the 2002 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, New York, ACM Press, p.126-135.
SBC (2006). Grandes Desafios da Pesquisa em Computação no Brasil – 2006 – 2016. SBC - São Paulo. 2006.
Spool, J. e Scanlon, T. (1996) “Making online information usable”, HyperViews, v.3, n.4, p.5-7.
Vouligny, L. e Robert, J. M. (2005) “Online Help System Design Based on the Situated Action Theory”, In: Anais da Conferência Latinoamericana de Interacción Humano-Computador, Mexico, p.23-26.
Wen, H. F. (2007) “Empirical Studies of Online Help”, [link], Abril.
Como Citar
LEITE, Leticia Lopes; SILVEIRA, Milene Selbach.
PHAVEA: uma arquitetura de peer help para ambientes virtuais de ensino e de aprendizagem. In: SEMINÁRIO INTEGRADO DE SOFTWARE E HARDWARE (SEMISH), 37. , 2010, Belo Horizonte/MG.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 478-488.
ISSN 2595-6205.