Crime prediction and prevention using police patrolling data: challenges and prospects
Spatiotemporal crime analysis and prediction aim at identifying criminal patterns in space and time. In previous work, crime prediction has been performed by identifying hotspots from data, which means areas of high criminal activity on the streets. By focusing efforts on such sites, police patrolling is expected to be more efficient, thus reducing criminal activity. However, not many studies focus on investigating how police patrolling affects crime, and whether it can be a predictor of crime activity. In this paper we discuss the main challenges of this problem, and describe some work in progress towards developing a robust methodology to represent, visually analyze, and build predictors for criminal activity, considering both criminal and police patrolling spatiotemporal data. As a case study, we use real datasets from the Military Police of the state of Alagoas, Brazil (PM-AL).Referências
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G. Garcıa, J. Silveira, J. Poco, A. Paiva, M. B. Nery, C. T. Silva, S. Adorno, and L. G. Nonato, "Crimanalyzer: Understanding crime patterns in sao paulo," IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 2313-2328, 2019.
S. Hossain, A. Abtahee, I. Kashem, M. M. Hoque, and I. H. Sarker, "Crime prediction using spatio-temporal data," in International Conference on Computing Science, Communication and Security. Springer, 2020, pp. 277-289.
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L. Li, Z. Jiang, N. Duan, W. Dong, K. Hu, and W. Sun, "Police patrol service optimization based on the spatial pattern of hotspots," in Proceedings of 2011 IEEE international conference on service operations, logistics and informatics. IEEE, 2011, pp. 45-50.
C. S. Koper, "Just enough police presence: Reducing crime and disorderly behavior by optimizing patrol time in crime hot spots," Justice quarterly, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 649-672, 1995.
L. Tompson, S. Johnson, M. Ashby, C. Perkins, and P. Edwards, "Uk open source crime data: accuracy and possibilities for research," Cartography and Geographic Information Science, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 97-111, 2015.
K. Salinas, T. Gonçalves, V. Barella, T. Vieira, and L. G. Nonato, "Cityhub: A library for urban data integration," in 2022 35nd SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2022.
A. A. Braga, A. V. Papachristos, and D. M. Hureau, "The concentration and stability of gun violence at micro places in boston, 1980-2008," Journal of Quantitative Criminology, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 33-53, 2010.
Como Citar
VIEIRA, Thales; PAULINO, Tiago; SOUZA, João Matheus Siqueira; LIMA, Edival.
Crime prediction and prevention using police patrolling data: challenges and prospects. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE VISUALIZAÇÃO PARA O BEM SOCIAL - CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 35. , 2022, Natal/RN.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 183-186.