A Proposal Tool for Immersive MicroBiology Teaching Tool
There were several ways to teaching microbiology, but when it is hands-on into laboratory practice, biosafety must take priority. To mitigate this limitation, some approaches use virtual reality technology to simulate the environment. However, all are shows as multimedia-based, didactic simulators and function as an extension of the textbook. This short paper addresses a proposal to develop a virtual reality environment for teaching microbiology that can be used as a tool to explore the microbiological environment for the study of viruses and bacteria harmful to humans. Finally, this work aims to develop a prototype tool to facilitate the teaching of microbiology, contemplating both the pedagogical requirements of the educational software and the technical requirements needed to build an immersive virtual reality environment. Added to this proposal is the requirement to present a low-cost tool for both editing and visualization.
Virtual Reality, Learning Environment, Low-Cost, Microbiology
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E. Paxinou, C. T. Panagiotakopoulos, A. Karatrantou, D. Kalles, and A. Sgourou, “Implementation and Evaluation of a Three‐Dimensional Virtual Reality Biology Lab versus Conventional Didactic Practices in Lab Experimenting with the Photonic Microscope,” Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 21–27, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.1002/bmb.21307.
A. Makhkamova, J.-P. Exner, T. Greff, and D. Werth, “Towards a Taxonomy of Virtual Reality Usage in Education: A Systematic Review,” in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Changing Realities in a Dyanmica World, Springer, 2020, pp. 283–296. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-37869-1_23.
A. C. Howland, R. Rembisz, T. S. Wang-Jones, S. R. Heise, and S. Brown, “Developing a virtual assessment center,” Consulting Psychology Journal, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 110–126, 2015, doi: 10.1037/cpb0000034.
H. M. Huang and S. S. Liaw, “An analysis of learners’ intentions toward virtual reality learning based on constructivist and technology acceptance approaches,” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 91–115, 2018, doi: 10.19173/irrodl.v19i1.2503.
B. Wu, X. Yu, and X. Gu, “Effectiveness of immersive virtual reality using head-mounted displays on learning performance: A meta-analysis,” British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1991–2005, 2020, doi: 10.1111/bjet.13023.
J. Chambers, The Digital Transformation of Europe:Connecting Schools, Empowering Learners, no. September. UNESCO / UNICEF, 2020.
C. Celik, G. Guven, and N. K. Cakir, “Integration of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) Applications into Biology Laboratory: Anatomic Structure of the Heart,” Research in Learning Technology, vol. 28. 2020.
G. Makransky, M. W. Thisgaard, and H. Gadegaard, “Virtual simulations as preparation for lab exercises: Assessing learning of key laboratory skills in microbiology and improvement of essential non-cognitive skills,” PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 6, p. e0155895, Jun. 2016, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155895.
N. S. Nowlan, P. Hartwick, and A. Arya, “Skill assessment in virtual learning environments,” CIVEMSA 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications, Proceedings, 2018, doi: 10.1109/CIVEMSA.2018.8439968.
A. Wang et al., “Iterative user and expert feedback in the design of an educational virtual reality biology game,” Interactive Learning Environments, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1–18, 2019, doi: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1678489.
E. Paxinou, C. T. Panagiotakopoulos, A. Karatrantou, D. Kalles, and A. Sgourou, “Implementation and Evaluation of a Three‐Dimensional Virtual Reality Biology Lab versus Conventional Didactic Practices in Lab Experimenting with the Photonic Microscope,” Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 21–27, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.1002/bmb.21307.
Como Citar
FERNANDES, Larissa; DAMASCENO, Eduardo Filgueiras.
A Proposal Tool for Immersive MicroBiology Teaching Tool. In: WORKSHOP DE TESES E DISSERTAÇÕES - SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 23. , 2021, Evento Online.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 11-12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/svr_estendido.2021.17651.