Construindo um Questionário para Avaliar Transparência em Portais de Ecossistemas de Software
More and more companies have opened up their software and system architectures to allow collaboration among internal and external developers and users who interact with software and system components, creating software ecosystems (SECO). In this context, social web environments (e.g., web portals) are critical for community creation and socio-technical network maintenance in the SECO context, in which there exist cooperation, communication and coordination mechanisms supported by a SECO portal. However, a great challenge is how to ensure and assess transparency in such environments in order to provide developers and users with useful information for supporting their interaction with the platform. This paper aims to investigate which transparency characterists can be seen in SECO portals. To do so, an existing, generic transparency assessment questionaire for web sites was adapted and applied to two real cases of SECO portals (Apple Portal and Brazilian Public Software Portal). Auditability and informative were the most observed transparency charateristics in those portals. This result helped us to prepare an initial version of a transparency assessment questionnaire for SECO portals.
Software Ecosystems, Transparency, Social Web, Auditability, Assessment
Como Citar
MEIRELES, Alexandre Inácio; PEREIRA DOS SANTOS, Rodrigo; CAPPELLI, Claudia.
Construindo um Questionário para Avaliar Transparência em Portais de Ecossistemas de Software. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE ASPECTOS DA INTERAÇÃO HUMANO-COMPUTADOR NA WEB SOCIAL (WAIHCWS), 8. , 2017, Joinville.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 25-35.
ISSN 2596-0296.