Fatores de Governança em Sistemas-de-Sistemas: Análise de uma Instituição Pública Brasileira

  • Marcio Imamura UNIRIO
  • Luiz Alexandre Costa UNIRIO
  • Bruno Pereira UNIRIO
  • Francisco Henrique Ferreira UNIRIO
  • Awdren Fontão UFMS
  • Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos UNIRIO


SoS is an approach that allows the offering of unique capabilities through the integration of existing systems. SoS approach can be observed in several domains such as military, logistics, transportation, healthcare etc. Despite the great interest in this field in the last years, many problems are still open. Since the systems that compose an SoS are independent and have individual objectives,one of the most critical challenges is enabling the governance of this class of system. Therefore, this paper presents an investigation on the factors that should be taken in consideration when implementing SoS governance. To do so, we carried out a survey with professionals of a Brazilian public organization.


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IMAMURA, Marcio; COSTA, Luiz Alexandre; PEREIRA, Bruno; FERREIRA, Francisco Henrique; FONTÃO, Awdren; DOS SANTOS, Rodrigo Pereira. Fatores de Governança em Sistemas-de-Sistemas: Análise de uma Instituição Pública Brasileira. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE ASPECTOS SOCIAIS, HUMANOS E ECONÔMICOS DE SOFTWARE (WASHES), 5. , 2020, Cuiabá. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 31-40. ISSN 2763-874X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/washes.2020.11195.