Simulation of Pollutant Dispersion in the Atmosphere under Unstable Conditions Using an Analytical Solution

  • Regis S. de Quadros UFPel
  • Glênio A. Gonçalves UFPel
  • Daniela Buske UFPel
  • Juliana Contreira UFPel
  • Renata A. Cezimbra UFPel


Analytical solutions of equations are of fundamental importance in understanding and describing physical phenomena. In this work we present the solution of the two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation in Cartesian geometry by the GILTT approach, considering that the eddy diffusivity and the vertical wind profile depends on the z variable. To carry more information of the original problem, a Sturm-Liouville problem given by Bessel functions is used as basis in the solution. Numerical simulations and comparisons with experimental data are presented.


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QUADROS, Regis S. de; GONÇALVES, Glênio A.; BUSKE, Daniela; CONTREIRA, Juliana; CEZIMBRA, Renata A.. Simulation of Pollutant Dispersion in the Atmosphere under Unstable Conditions Using an Analytical Solution. In: WORKSHOP DE COMPUTAÇÃO APLICADA À GESTÃO DO MEIO AMBIENTE E RECURSOS NATURAIS (WCAMA), 4. , 2013, Maceió/AL. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2013 . p. 1083-1090. ISSN 2595-6124.