Big Data Fortaleza: An Intelligent Platform for Evidence-Based Public Policy

  • Ismayle S. Santos UFC / UECE
  • Pedro Almir M. Oliveira UFC
  • Victória T. Oliveira UFC
  • Tales P. Nogueira UFC / Unilab
  • Allberson B. O. Dantas UFC / Unilab
  • Larissa M. Menescal IPLANFOR
  • Élcio Batista IPLANFOR
  • Rossana M. C. Andrade UFC


Public administration must understand the impact of their decisions by observing the dynamic context of the city. In this scenario, this paper presents a data analysis and prediction platform using Big Data and Machine Learning, called Big Data Fortaleza, intending to support the strategic planning (developed by the Fortaleza Planning Institute - IPLANFOR) for the sustainable urban development of Fortaleza. To conduct a pilot study with this platform, the challenge of better understanding the demand for daycare centers linked to the Early Childhood domain was chosen to be explored initially, since intelligent data management can assist in decision-making that can contribute to improving child development. So far, several exploratory and predictive analyses have been performed to answer critical questions of this domain raised in discussions with the public administration of Fortaleza.

Keywords: Big Data, Public administration, Platform


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SANTOS, Ismayle S.; OLIVEIRA, Pedro Almir M.; OLIVEIRA, Victória T.; NOGUEIRA, Tales P.; DANTAS, Allberson B. O.; MENESCAL, Larissa M.; BATISTA, Élcio; ANDRADE, Rossana M. C.. Big Data Fortaleza: An Intelligent Platform for Evidence-Based Public Policy. In: WORKSHOP ON APPLIED COMPUTING IN ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT, 11. , 2023, João Pessoa/PB. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 200-211. ISSN 2763-8723. DOI:

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