Interação com conteúdo complementar por meio de múltiplos dispositivos para apoio à apreciação de programas televisivos

  • Kamila R.H. Rodrigues UFSCar
  • Suetônio S. Pereira UFSCar
  • Luiz G. G. Quinelato UFSCar
  • Erick L. Melo UFSCar
  • Vania P. A. Neris UFSCar
  • Cesar A.C. Teixeira UFSC


For many people television is still the main form of entertainment. However, due to the way some television programs are developed, in particular movies, and because of a lack of prior knowledge or cognitive difficulties, some viewers may not fully understand or enjoy the programs. With the advent of a new TV, digital and interactive, and possible to enrich media television with additional multimedia content, increasing the satisfaction of the viewers while watching TV programs. However, considering the collective audience, the additional content on TV can be intrusive. By combining the provision of additional content with the use of multiple devices for interaction, is possible promote personalized support and in a non-intrusive way, thus maintaining the individuality of each viewer. This combination is evaluated in this paper, through a case study conducted with a group of viewers who watched a video enriched with additional content and interacted using the remote control and/or cell phone.
Keywords: Interactive Digital TV, Accessibility, Additional Content, Satisfaction, Human-Computer Interaction.
RODRIGUES, Kamila R.H.; PEREIRA, Suetônio S.; QUINELATO, Luiz G. G.; MELO, Erick L.; NERIS, Vania P. A.; TEIXEIRA, Cesar A.C.. Interação com conteúdo complementar por meio de múltiplos dispositivos para apoio à apreciação de programas televisivos. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIMEDIA AND THE WEB (WEBMEDIA), 17. , 2011, Florianópolis. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2011 . p. 18-25.