CaçaFake: A System for Monitoring and Analyzing Low Credibility Websites in Brazil

  • Márcio Silva UFMG / UFMS
  • Julio C. S. Reis UFV
  • João M. M. Couto UFMG
  • Leandro Araújo UFMG
  • João Maduro UFMG
  • Ana P. C. Silva UFMG
  • Jussara M. Almeida UFMG
  • Fabrício Benevenuto UFMG


Combating the spread of misinformation is a complex task. In addition, digital platforms (e.g., social networks, instant messaging apps, etc) enhance the dissemination of content produced by low redibility websites. Thus, monitoring and understanding the main characteristics of these websites has become an important task to interrupt the generation chain and spread of misinformation in our society. In this work, we propose a system called CaçaFake in order to speed up the investigation process by supervisory bodies in the fight against misinformation. Our system displays characteristics associated to websites of low credibility which may be useful to regulatory bodies in their decision-making process, creating a rich resource in the fight against misinformation in Brazil.
Palavras-chave: Fake News, Misinformation, System, Low Credibility Websites


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SILVA, Márcio; REIS, Julio C. S.; COUTO, João M. M.; ARAÚJO, Leandro; MADURO, João; SILVA, Ana P. C.; ALMEIDA, Jussara M.; BENEVENUTO, Fabrício. CaçaFake: A System for Monitoring and Analyzing Low Credibility Websites in Brazil. In: WORKSHOP DE FERRAMENTAS E APLICAÇÕES - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 28. , 2022, Curitiba. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 83-86. ISSN 2596-1683. DOI: