As Experiências de Estudantes em um Curso de Engenharia de Computação Baseado em PBL

  • Cristiano da S. Cintra UEFS
  • Roberto A. Bittencourt UEFS


Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an active learning method widely used around the world, and also in the field of computing. However, despite decades of PBL practice in several countries, including several published reports on its praxis, there are still few reports that address in detail the students’ perspectives with this learning approach. The goal of this study was to describe how Computer Engineering undergraduate students experience the PBL approach. Through an interpretative phenomenological analysis, we identified six essences from their perspectives, which provide valuable insights and enable reflection on the benefits and challenges of PBL in higher education, especially in the field of computing.


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CINTRA, Cristiano da S.; BITTENCOURT, Roberto A.. As Experiências de Estudantes em um Curso de Engenharia de Computação Baseado em PBL. In: WORKSHOP ON COMPUTING EDUCATION (WEI), 31. , 2023, João Pessoa/PB. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 327-338. ISSN 2595-6175. DOI: