ALGbr: A New Tool to Support the Teaching/Learning of Computational Logic through Algorithm Construction and Testing

  • Carlos J. Santos IFSULDEMINAS
  • Matheus E. Franco IFSULDEMINAS
  • Hagar C. C. Corsini IFSULDEMINAS


The representation of algorithms by means of the software enables agility in writing and review, facilitating debugging, verification mechanisms providing ha possible flaws in the writing, enabling the repurposing and reusing code, making changes and updates, favoring the understanding and deepening the student's perception, through the experimentation and matching of theory combined with practice in tests with algorithms. The new proposed tool shows itself as an alternative to the other, by the fact that the use of the construction of C-based algorithms in addition to the traditional approach based on PASCAL.


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SANTOS, Carlos J.; FRANCO, Matheus E.; CORSINI, Hagar C. C.. ALGbr: A New Tool to Support the Teaching/Learning of Computational Logic through Algorithm Construction and Testing. In: WORKSHOP ON COMPUTING EDUCATION (WEI), 21. , 2013, Maceió/AL. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2013 . p. 508-514. ISSN 2595-6175.