Relato de Experiência da Aplicação da Metodologia Ativa de Ensino com Pesquisa na Disciplina de Sistemas de Informação

  • Felipe M. Sampaio​
  • Jefferson P. de Almeida​


​This paper presents an experience report of the active methodology “Teaching with Research” with the goal of improving the teching-learning process. The basic principles of this methodology were utilized as basis for the teaching planning for the Information Systems course in an informatics technician class. Two research projects were elaborated as guiding elements of the teaching-learning process (according to the adopted methodology). As reflections regarding the methodology application experience, it could be noticed increased participation of the students during the class activities. The professor has a modified role towards the students: acting like an advisor, guiding the developed research activities inside the classroom. With respect to the learning evaluation methods, it happened an increased valorization of the research path coursed by the student, mainly due to the methodologic organization of the proposed activities (based on the steps of scientific method).

SAMPAIO​, Felipe M.; DE ALMEIDA​, Jefferson P.. Relato de Experiência da Aplicação da Metodologia Ativa de Ensino com Pesquisa na Disciplina de Sistemas de Informação. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE EDUCAÇÃO EM COMPUTAÇÃO (WEI), 26. , 2018, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . ISSN 2595-6175. DOI: