Teoria dos Jogos aplicada à coordenação de agentes, utilizando Teoria dos Valores de Troca
The Game Theory is a field in mathematics that studies the agent’s behavior in strategic situations, in which decision making affects all players involved. It provides several tools to model agent interactions in Multiagent Systems. Another tool to do this is the Exchange Values Theory, which model interactions between small groups of agents, that do services to each other. However, as the agents acts on its own and are self-interested, there are some problems to keep the exchange system in balance, requiring some regulation. In order to accomplish this, in this work we use Bayesian Games, or games with imperfect information, that allow us to represent uncertainty about the game being played. This can be represented by a probability distribution over the games. First we present a brief introduction on Game Theory’s concepts that are used here and then a Exchange Values Bayesian Game model, which allow us to regulate the exchanges made by the agents, without an external agent that regulates these interactions.
Game Theory, Bayesian Games, Exchange Values Theory, Multiagent Systems
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G. P. Dimuro, A. C. R. Costa, L. V. Gonçalves, and A. Hübner. Centralized regulation of social exchanges between personality-based agents. In Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems II, volume 4386 of LNCS, pages 338–355. Springer, Berlin, 2007.
John Nash. Non-cooperative games. The Annals of Mathematics, 54(2):286–295, 1951.
D. R. Pereira, L. V. Gonçalves, G. P. Dimuro, and A. C. R. Costa. Constructing BDI plans from optimal POMDP policies, with an application to agentspeak programming. In Proc. of Conf. Latinoamerica de Informática, CLEI’08, Santa Fe, 2008. SADIO.
D. R. Pereira, L. V. Gonçalves, G. P. Dimuro, and A. C. R. Costa. Towards the self-regulation of personality-based social exchange processes in multiagent systems. In G. Zaverucha and A. Loureiro Costa, editors, SBIA 2008, volume 5249 of LNAI, pages 113–123. Springer, Berlin, 2008.
Jean Piaget. Sociological Studies. Routlege, London, 1995.
Yoav Shoham and Kevin Leyton-Brown. Essentials of Game Theory: A Concise, Multidisciplinary Introduction. Morgan and Claypool Publishers, California, 2008.
Yoav Shoham and Kevin Leyton-Brown. Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, December 2008.
John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern. Theory of games and economic behavior. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1944.
Como Citar
PEREIRA, Diego Rodrigues; COSTA, Antônio Carlos da Rocha.
Teoria dos Jogos aplicada à coordenação de agentes, utilizando Teoria dos Valores de Troca. In: WORKSHOP-ESCOLA DE SISTEMAS DE AGENTES, SEUS AMBIENTES E APLICAÇÕES (WESAAC), 4. , 2010, Rio Grande/RS.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 77-88.
ISSN 2326-5434.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/wesaac.2010.33055.