DIMI 3D - Companion Agent in a Learning Virtual Environment

  • Michael Fernando Künzel UNISC
  • Andréa Konzen da Silva UNISC
  • Rejane Frozza UNISC
  • Daniela Bagatini UNISC
  • Beatriz Luz UNISC


Studies are being directed to one of the areas of artificial intelligence, affective computing, aiming to improve human-computer interaction. Learning process is an important activity for the humans. In affective computing, the areas as psychology and cognitive science are closed. It is possible to study how computer systems can detect, classify and respond to human emotions, making computers able to capture, recognize and transmit emotions. The recognition of emotions can occur through the voice, observable behavior, facial expressions and physiological signals. In this context, there are pedagogical agents (in learning environments), that perform functions to aid learning. These agents can be animated or not, and classified as a tutor or companion. The companion agent is a character with emotions that guide the students in the virtual environment. This work presents the development of a companion agent with emotions.

Palavras-chave: Learning environments, Affective computing, Emotions, Tutor and companion pedagogical agents


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KÜNZEL, Michael Fernando; SILVA, Andréa Konzen da; FROZZA, Rejane; BAGATINI, Daniela; LUZ, Beatriz. DIMI 3D - Companion Agent in a Learning Virtual Environment. In: WORKSHOP-ESCOLA DE SISTEMAS DE AGENTES, SEUS AMBIENTES E APLICAÇÕES (WESAAC), 5. , 2011, Curitiba/PR. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2011 . p. 107-109. ISSN 2326-5434.