Um Modelo de Reputação Fuzzy de Dimensão Variável
Reputação pode ser entendida como a representação de crenças ou opiniões sobre alguém ou algo, e é reconhecida como um mecanismo de controle social. Os mecanismos de reputação são amplamente aplicados em comércios eletrônicos, sistemas multiagentes (MAS), redes P2P e outras aplicações que requerem informações distribuídas e conhecidas sobre agentes. O processo de avaliação da reputação do agente envolve claramente imprecisão, ambiguidade e incompletude. Neste artigo, introduzimos um modelo de reputação baseado em lógica fuzzy para processos de troca social em MAS. Consideramos uma avaliação de sistema dimensional variável, utilizando funções de agregação ponderada para agregar continuamente a informação fuzzy das experiências do agente (relacionada a todas as dimensões consideradas), dando maior peso a informações mais recentes. Alguns estudos de caso são apresentados para analisar o comportamento do modelo. Para isso, consideramos um cenário MAS no contexto do comércio eletrônico. Adotamos o framework JaCaMo para a implementação, que utiliza a arquitetura de agentes BDI (Believe, Desires and Intentions) e artefatos.Referências
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H. D. N. Rodrigues, D. F. Adamatti, G. P. Dimuro, G. D. Peter, and E. D. M. Jerez. Simulating reputation with regulatory policies: The case of san jerónimo vegetable garden, seville, spain. In Advances in Practical Applications of Scalable Multi-agent Systems. The PAAMS Collection - 14th Intl. Conf., PAAMS 2016, pages 195–206, 2016.
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F. C. P. Santos, T. F. Rodrigues, H. D. N. Rodrigues, G. Dimuro, D. F. Adamatti, G. P. Dimuro, and E. Manuel Jerez. Analyzing the problem of the modeling of periodic normalized behaviors in multiagent-based simulation of social systems: The case of the San Jerónimo vegetable garden of Seville, Spain. In B. Kamiński and G. Koloch, eds., Advances in Social Simul., v. 229 of Advances in Intel. Syst. and Comput., pages 61–72. Springer, Berlin, 2014.
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L. A. Zadeh. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8:338–353, 1965.
L. A. Zadeh. Is there a need for fuzzy logic? Inform. Sciences, 178(13):2751–2779, 2008.
A. Tajeddine, A. Kayssi, A. Chehab, H. Artail. Fuzzy reputation-based trust model. Applied Soft Computing, 11(1):345-355, 2011.
G. Chen, Z. Li, Z. Cheng, Z. Zhao, H. Yan. A Fuzzy Trust Model for MAS. Advances in Natural Comp., 2005.
S. Schmdit, R. Steele, T. S. Dillon, E. Chang Fuzzy trust evaluation and credibility development in multi-agent systems. Applied Soft Computing, 2007.
A. Tajeddine, A. Kayssi, A. Chehab, H. Artail. PATROL: a comprehensive reputation-based trust model. Intl. Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 2007.
R. H. Bordini, J. F. Hübner, and M. Wooldridge. Programming MAS in AgentSpeak using Jason. Wiley, N. J., 2007.
G. P. Farias, G. Dimuro, G. Dimuro, and E. D. M. Jerez. Exchanges of services based on Piaget’s theory of social exchanges using a BDI-fuzzy agent model. In 2013 BRICS Congress on Computational Intelligence and 11th Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence (BRICS-CCI & CBIC), pages 653 – 658, Los Alamitos, 2013. IEEE.
M. Grabisch, J. Marichal, R. Mesiar, and E. Pap. Aggregation Functions. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009.
J. F. Hübner, O. Boissier, R. Kitio, and A. Ricci. Instrumenting multi-agent organisations with organisational artifacts and agents. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 20(3):369–400, 2010.
J. F. Hübner, J. S. Sichman, and O. Boissier. Developing organised multiagent systems using the MOISE+ model: programming issues at the system and agent levels. Intl. J. of Agent-Oriented Software Eng., 1(34):370–395, 2007.
R. Jurca and B. Faltings. Towards incentive-compatible reputation management. In Trust, Reputation, and Security: Theories and Practice, volume 2631 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 138–147. Springer, Berlin, 2002.
S. Liu, H. Yu, C. Miao, and A. C. Kot. A fuzzy logic based reputation model against unfair ratings. In Proc. of AAMAS 2013, pages 821–828, New York, 2013. IFAAMAS/ACM.
L. Mui. Computational models of Trust and Reputation: Agents, Evolutionary Games and Social Networking. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002.
F. Pereira dos Santos, D. Adamatti, H. Rodrigues, G. Dimuro, E. De Manuel Jerez, and G. Dimuro. A multiagent-based tool for the simulation of social production and management of urban ecosystems: A case study on san jerónimo vegetable garden - seville, spain. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 19(3):12, 2016.
I. Pinyol and J. Sabater. Computational trust and reputation models for open multi-agent systems: a review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 2013.
A. S. Rao. AgentSpeak(L): BDI agents speak out in a logical computable language. In R. van Hoe, editor, 7th European Work. on Model. Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World, v. 1038 of LNCS, pages 42–55. Springer, Berlin, 1996.
A. Ricci, M. Piunti, and M. Viroli. Environment programming in multi-agent systems: an artifact-based perspective. Autonomous Agents and MAS, 23(2):158–192, 2011.
A. Ricci, M. Viroli, and A. Omicini. Give agents their artifacts: The A&A approach for engineering working environments in MAS. In E. Durfee, M. Yokoo, M. Huhns, and O. Shehory, editors, 6th International Joint Conference Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2007), pages 601–603, Honolulu, 2007. IFAAMAS.
H. D. N. Rodrigues, D. F. Adamatti, G. P. Dimuro, G. D. Peter, and E. D. M. Jerez. Simulating reputation with regulatory policies: The case of san jerónimo vegetable garden, seville, spain. In Advances in Practical Applications of Scalable Multi-agent Systems. The PAAMS Collection - 14th Intl. Conf., PAAMS 2016, pages 195–206, 2016.
J. Sabater and C. Sierra. Regret: A reputation model for gregarious societies. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on deception Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, pages 61–70, 2001.
J. Sabater and C. Sierra. Review on comput. trust and reputation models. Artif. Intell. Rev., 24(1):33–60, Sept. 2005.
F. C. P. Santos, T. F. Rodrigues, H. D. N. Rodrigues, G. Dimuro, D. F. Adamatti, G. P. Dimuro, and E. Manuel Jerez. Analyzing the problem of the modeling of periodic normalized behaviors in multiagent-based simulation of social systems: The case of the San Jerónimo vegetable garden of Seville, Spain. In B. Kamiński and G. Koloch, eds., Advances in Social Simul., v. 229 of Advances in Intel. Syst. and Comput., pages 61–72. Springer, Berlin, 2014.
W. T. L. Teacy, J. Patel, N. R. Jennings, and M. Luck. Coping with inaccurate reputation sources: experimental analysis of a probabilistic trust model. In Proc. of AAMAS 2005, pages 997–1004, 2005.
G. M. P. Zacharia. Trust management through reputation mechanisms. Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2000.
L. A. Zadeh. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8:338–353, 1965.
L. A. Zadeh. Is there a need for fuzzy logic? Inform. Sciences, 178(13):2751–2779, 2008.
A. Tajeddine, A. Kayssi, A. Chehab, H. Artail. Fuzzy reputation-based trust model. Applied Soft Computing, 11(1):345-355, 2011.
G. Chen, Z. Li, Z. Cheng, Z. Zhao, H. Yan. A Fuzzy Trust Model for MAS. Advances in Natural Comp., 2005.
S. Schmdit, R. Steele, T. S. Dillon, E. Chang Fuzzy trust evaluation and credibility development in multi-agent systems. Applied Soft Computing, 2007.
A. Tajeddine, A. Kayssi, A. Chehab, H. Artail. PATROL: a comprehensive reputation-based trust model. Intl. Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 2007.
Como Citar
RODRIGUES, Henrique D. N.; DIMURO, Graçaliz P.; ADAMATTI, Diana F..
Um Modelo de Reputação Fuzzy de Dimensão Variável. In: WORKSHOP-ESCOLA DE SISTEMAS DE AGENTES, SEUS AMBIENTES E APLICAÇÕES (WESAAC), 11. , 2017, São Paulo/SP.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 113-124.
ISSN 2326-5434.