Monitoramento de SMA Normativos – Uma Implementação para Agentes Reativos Simples em JAMDER 2.0
Normas em sistemas multi-agente são utilizadas para regular o comportamento dos agentes de forma a alcançar os objetivos globais do sistema. Para isso, é crucial a existência de um mecanismo que permita determinar o desempenho dos agentes em relação ao cumprimento das normas especificadas no sistema. O presente artigo apresenta a implementação, em JAMDER 2.0, de uma arquitetura abstrata que possibilita o monitoramento do comportamento dos agentes em relação ao cumprimento ou violação de normas. Um estudo de caso considerando agentes reativos simples para o mundo do aspirador de pó é apresentado para ilustrar a abordagem de coesão (enforcement) implementada neste artigo.Referências
Campos, G. A.; Freire, E. S. S. and Cortés, M. I. (2012) Norm-based behavior modification in reflex agents. In: 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Campos, G. A. L. ; Freire, E. S. S. ; Cortés, M. I. ; Vasconcelos, W. W. (2013) An Approach for Norm-Based Behavior Modification in Model-Based Reflex Agents. In: 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Cruz, F. I. S; Rocha Jr., R. M.; Freire, E. S. S. and Cortés, M. I. (2014) Norm-Based Behavior Modification in Reflex Agents - An Implementation in JAMDER 2.0. In: 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2014, Lisboa, Portugal, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.
Dastani, M. D.; Grossi, J.-J. C.; Meyer, and Tinnemeier, N. (2018) Normative multiagent programs and their logics. In Proc. Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (KRAMAS’08), pages 236–243.
Dybalova, D.; Testerink, B.; Dastani, M.; Logan, B.; Dignum, F. and Chopra, A. (2013) A Framework for Programming Norm-Aware Multi-Agent Systems In: 15th International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN 2013).
Figueiredo, K. and Silva, V. T. (2010) NormML: A Modeling Language to Model Norms. In: 1st Workshop on Autonomous Software Systems, 2010, Salvador, Brazil.
Freire, E. S. S.; Campos, G. A. L.; Cortes, M. I.; Vasconcelos, W. W. (2013) Norm-Based Behavior Modification in Model-Based Reflex Agents. In: 2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2013, Fortaleza, Proceedings of the 2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems. p. 38.
Jennings, N. R.. (1995) Controlling cooperative problem solving in industrial multiagent systems using joint intentions. Artificial Intelligence, 75(2):195–240.
Jones, A. J. I. and Sergot, M. (1993) On the characterisation of law and computer systems: The normative systems perspective. In Deontic Logic in Computer Science: Normative System Specification, pages 275–307. John Wiley and Sons.
Kaminka, G., Pynadah, D. and Tambe, M. (2002) Monitoring teams by overhearing: A multi-agent plan-recognition approach. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 17: p.83–135.
Mazouzi, H., Seghrouchni, A. E. F., and Haddad, S.. (2002) Open protocol design for complex interactions in multi-agent systems. In 1st Int. Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pages 517–526.
Modgil, S.; Faci, N.; Meneguzzi, F.; Oren, N.; Miles, S. and Luck, M. (2009) A framework for monitoring agent-based normative systems. In: 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2009, Budapeste, Hungria, Proceedings of the 8th International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Volume 1p. 153–160.
Piunti, M.; Ricci, A.; Boissier, O. and Hübner, J. F. (2010) Programming open systems with agents, environments and organizations. In: 11th Workshop nazionale ’Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti’, 2010, Rimini, Italy, Proceedings of the WOA 2010 11th Workshop nazionale ’Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti’.
Tambe, M. (1997) Towards flexible teamwork. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 7:83–124.
Vlissides, J.; Helm, R.; Johnson, R. and Gamma, E. (1995) Design patterns: Elements of reusable object-oriented software. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. p120.
Campos, G. A. L. ; Freire, E. S. S. ; Cortés, M. I. ; Vasconcelos, W. W. (2013) An Approach for Norm-Based Behavior Modification in Model-Based Reflex Agents. In: 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Cruz, F. I. S; Rocha Jr., R. M.; Freire, E. S. S. and Cortés, M. I. (2014) Norm-Based Behavior Modification in Reflex Agents - An Implementation in JAMDER 2.0. In: 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2014, Lisboa, Portugal, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.
Dastani, M. D.; Grossi, J.-J. C.; Meyer, and Tinnemeier, N. (2018) Normative multiagent programs and their logics. In Proc. Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (KRAMAS’08), pages 236–243.
Dybalova, D.; Testerink, B.; Dastani, M.; Logan, B.; Dignum, F. and Chopra, A. (2013) A Framework for Programming Norm-Aware Multi-Agent Systems In: 15th International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN 2013).
Figueiredo, K. and Silva, V. T. (2010) NormML: A Modeling Language to Model Norms. In: 1st Workshop on Autonomous Software Systems, 2010, Salvador, Brazil.
Freire, E. S. S.; Campos, G. A. L.; Cortes, M. I.; Vasconcelos, W. W. (2013) Norm-Based Behavior Modification in Model-Based Reflex Agents. In: 2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2013, Fortaleza, Proceedings of the 2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems. p. 38.
Jennings, N. R.. (1995) Controlling cooperative problem solving in industrial multiagent systems using joint intentions. Artificial Intelligence, 75(2):195–240.
Jones, A. J. I. and Sergot, M. (1993) On the characterisation of law and computer systems: The normative systems perspective. In Deontic Logic in Computer Science: Normative System Specification, pages 275–307. John Wiley and Sons.
Kaminka, G., Pynadah, D. and Tambe, M. (2002) Monitoring teams by overhearing: A multi-agent plan-recognition approach. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 17: p.83–135.
Mazouzi, H., Seghrouchni, A. E. F., and Haddad, S.. (2002) Open protocol design for complex interactions in multi-agent systems. In 1st Int. Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pages 517–526.
Modgil, S.; Faci, N.; Meneguzzi, F.; Oren, N.; Miles, S. and Luck, M. (2009) A framework for monitoring agent-based normative systems. In: 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2009, Budapeste, Hungria, Proceedings of the 8th International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Volume 1p. 153–160.
Piunti, M.; Ricci, A.; Boissier, O. and Hübner, J. F. (2010) Programming open systems with agents, environments and organizations. In: 11th Workshop nazionale ’Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti’, 2010, Rimini, Italy, Proceedings of the WOA 2010 11th Workshop nazionale ’Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti’.
Tambe, M. (1997) Towards flexible teamwork. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 7:83–124.
Vlissides, J.; Helm, R.; Johnson, R. and Gamma, E. (1995) Design patterns: Elements of reusable object-oriented software. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. p120.
Como Citar
CRUZ, Francisco I. S.; FREIRE, Emmanuel S. S.; CORTÉS, Mariela I.; VERAS, Nécio L..
Monitoramento de SMA Normativos – Uma Implementação para Agentes Reativos Simples em JAMDER 2.0. In: WORKSHOP-ESCOLA DE SISTEMAS DE AGENTES, SEUS AMBIENTES E APLICAÇÕES (WESAAC), 8. , 2014, Porto Alegre/RS.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 102-113.
ISSN 2326-5434.