The Tupinambá: An Exercise in Societal Modeling
O estudo de caso apresentado neste artigo é um complemento dos artigos curtos apresentados no EMAS 2022 e WESAAC 2022. Ele ilustra a abordagem societal a sistemas multiagentes através da modelagem formal de alguns dos principais componentes da sociedade dos Tupinambá, uma sociedade tribal que vivia no território do Brasil na época das primeiras tentativas de sua ocupação e colonização, no início do século XVI, pelos Portuguêses e outros Europeus.
Sociedades de agentes, Arquiteturas societais, Linguagens de modelagem de sociedades
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Costa, A. C. R. (2016). Moral systems of agent societies: Some elements for their analysis and design. In Workshop on Ethical Issues in the Design of Intelligent Agents - EDIA@ECAI 2016, page Paper 10. EURAI/University of Delft.
Costa, A. C. R. (2017). Ecosystems as agent societies, landscapes as multi-societal agent systems. In Adamatti, D. F., editor, Multiagent Based Simulations Applied to Biological and Environmental Systems, pages 25–43. IGI Global, Hershey.
Costa, A. C. R. (2020). Elements for the agent-based modeling of slavery systems. Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 9:15–27.
Costa, A. C. R. (2021). Racism in agent societies: A model based on the concept of capability-based social control mechanism. In WESAAC 2021. CEFET/RJ. Available online at [link].
Costa, A. C. R. (2022a). Breve nota sobre os limites da abordagem organizacional aos sistemas multiagentes. In Anais do XVI Workshop-Escola de Sistemas da Agentes, seus Ambientes e Aplicações, Florianópolis. UFSC. Disponível em [link].
Costa, A. C. R. (2022b). A short note on the bounds of the organizational approach to MAS. In EMAS@AAMAS 2022 Informal Proceedings, Richland. IFAMAS. Available at [link].
Costa, A. C. R. (2022c). A type system and a modeling language for agent societies (draft). Technical report, PPGFil-PUCRS, Porto Alegre. Available online at [link].
Easton, D. (1965). A Framework for Political Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
Fernandes, F. (1963 [1945]). Organização Social dos Tupinambá. Difusão Européis do Livro, São Paulo.
Staden, H. (2011 [1557]). Hans Staden’s True History: An Account of Cannibal Captivity in Brazil. Duke University Press.
Turner, J. H. (2010). Theoretical Principles of Sociology (Vols. 1-3). Springer.
Costa, A. C. R. (2016). Moral systems of agent societies: Some elements for their analysis and design. In Workshop on Ethical Issues in the Design of Intelligent Agents - EDIA@ECAI 2016, page Paper 10. EURAI/University of Delft.
Costa, A. C. R. (2017). Ecosystems as agent societies, landscapes as multi-societal agent systems. In Adamatti, D. F., editor, Multiagent Based Simulations Applied to Biological and Environmental Systems, pages 25–43. IGI Global, Hershey.
Costa, A. C. R. (2020). Elements for the agent-based modeling of slavery systems. Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 9:15–27.
Costa, A. C. R. (2021). Racism in agent societies: A model based on the concept of capability-based social control mechanism. In WESAAC 2021. CEFET/RJ. Available online at [link].
Costa, A. C. R. (2022a). Breve nota sobre os limites da abordagem organizacional aos sistemas multiagentes. In Anais do XVI Workshop-Escola de Sistemas da Agentes, seus Ambientes e Aplicações, Florianópolis. UFSC. Disponível em [link].
Costa, A. C. R. (2022b). A short note on the bounds of the organizational approach to MAS. In EMAS@AAMAS 2022 Informal Proceedings, Richland. IFAMAS. Available at [link].
Costa, A. C. R. (2022c). A type system and a modeling language for agent societies (draft). Technical report, PPGFil-PUCRS, Porto Alegre. Available online at [link].
Easton, D. (1965). A Framework for Political Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
Fernandes, F. (1963 [1945]). Organização Social dos Tupinambá. Difusão Européis do Livro, São Paulo.
Staden, H. (2011 [1557]). Hans Staden’s True History: An Account of Cannibal Captivity in Brazil. Duke University Press.
Turner, J. H. (2010). Theoretical Principles of Sociology (Vols. 1-3). Springer.
Como Citar
COSTA, Antônio Carlos da Rocha.
The Tupinambá: An Exercise in Societal Modeling. In: WORKSHOP-ESCOLA DE SISTEMAS DE AGENTES, SEUS AMBIENTES E APLICAÇÕES (WESAAC), 17. , 2023, Pelotas/RS.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 44-54.
ISSN 2326-5434.