INXU - A Security Extension for RFC 8520 to Give Fast Response to New Vulnerabilities on Domestic IoT Networks

  • Sávyo Morais UFRJ
  • Claudio Farias UFRJ


As domestic Internet of Things (DIoT) devices become more popular, the number of devices connected to the Internet increases. It may also represent a risk to the end-user’s security and privacy. The infected devices can be used in DIoT botnets affecting the Internet’s stability. Although there are efforts to enhance IoT security, such as RFC 8520, there still needs for improvements in the DIoT context. To ensure DIoT security, this paper proposes INXU, an extension of RFC 8520 that enables blocking traffic related to well-known malicious activities. INXU introduces the concept of Malicious Traffic Description, a data model to describe traffic related to malicious activities, and enables Security Operation Centers to protect domestic networks.


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MORAIS, Sávyo; FARIAS, Claudio. INXU - A Security Extension for RFC 8520 to Give Fast Response to New Vulnerabilities on Domestic IoT Networks. In: WORKSHOP PRÉ-IETF (WPIETF), 7. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 1-14. ISSN 2595-6388. DOI: