Using Common Knowledge to Improve Fixed-Dependency-After-Send

  • Islene C. Garcia UNICAMP
  • Luiz E. Buzato UNICAMP


Checkpoint patterns that enforce the rollbak-dependency trackability (RDT) property allow effcient solutions to the determination of consistent global checkpoints that include a given set of checkpoints. Fixed-Dependency-After-Send (FDAS) is a well-known RDT protocol that forces the dependency vector of a process to remain unchanged during a checkpoint interval after the first message-send event. In this paper, we explore processes' common knowledge about their behavior to derive a more effcient condition to induce checkpoints under FDAS. We consider that our approach can be used to improve other RDT checkpointing protocols.
Palavras-chave: Distributed systems, Fault-tolerance, Distributed checkpointing, Rollback-dependency trackability


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GARCIA, Islene C.; BUZATO, Luiz E.. Using Common Knowledge to Improve Fixed-Dependency-After-Send. In: WORKSHOP DE TESTES E TOLERÂNCIA A FALHAS (WTF), 2. , 2000, Curitiba/PR. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2000 . p. 16-21. ISSN 2595-2684. DOI: