Current Issue

2019: Proceedings of the 7th Systems Transparency Workshop

The Proceedings of the 7th Systems Transparency Workshop (WTranS 2019) bring the papers selected and presented in the edition held in Belém, on July 15, as part of the 39th Brazilian Computing Society Congress (CSBC 2019), wich had as theme "Computing and Social-Environmental Responsibility". In this issue, the proceedings include 4 full papers. These papers were selected through a double blind peer review process, from a total of 11 full papers submitted, which implied an acceptance rate of 36%. The event's program committee was coordinated by Claudia Cappelli (UFRJ), Vanessa Nunes (UnB) and Bruna Diirr (UNIRIO), who organized this volume. The articles in this volume were submitted on March 31, accepted for publication on April 29, with the final version submitted on May 06.

You can find more information about WTranS 2019 visiting the website of the event.

For accessing the proceedings of other events that are part of CSBC, visit the series Proceedings of CSBC.

Published: 2019-07-05
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