Automated Damage Inspection in Vehicle Headlights Using U-Net and Resnet50

  • Kevila Cezario de Morais IFES
  • Karin Satie Komati IFES
  • Kelly Assis de Souza Gazolli IFES


The image analysis of vehicle damage is a procedure performed by insurance companies to determine whether the policy covers the service or not. In the case of damages in the headlights, the company receives a picture of the vehicle and a specialist analyzes the damage. This article proposes a system for the detection and classification of vehicle headlight images to automate the inspection. The method is based first on the U-Net structure for detecting the headlight in the image and then on the Resnet50 structure for classifying the damage. The U-Net database is made up of 2,000 vehicle images and 2,000 masks with headlight detection. Resnet50’s database is made up of 2,000 images divided into 4 classes: broken, blurred, infiltrated, or undamaged. The results obtained in the test had an IOU of 70 percent in the detection and an accuracy of 76 percent in the classification.

Palavras-chave: Insurance, Headlight, detection, Classification, Resnet50, U-Net


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MORAIS, Kevila Cezario de; KOMATI, Karin Satie; GAZOLLI, Kelly Assis de Souza. Automated Damage Inspection in Vehicle Headlights Using U-Net and Resnet50. In: WORKSHOP DE VISÃO COMPUTACIONAL (WVC), 18. , 2023, São Bernardo do Campo/SP. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 18-23. DOI:

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