The influence of lighting on fingerlings counting

  • Vanir Garcia IFMS
  • Diego André Sant’Ana IFMS
  • Vanda Alice Garcia Zanoni UnB
  • Marcio Carneiro Brito Pache IFMS
  • Marco Hiroshi Naka IFMS
  • Pedro Lucas França Albuquerque UCDB
  • Tiago Lewandowski UCDB
  • Adair da Silva Oliveira Junior UFMS
  • João Victor Araújo Rozales UCDB
  • Milena Wolff Ferreira UCDB
  • Eduardo Quirino Arguelho de Queiroz UCDB
  • José Carlos Marino Almanza UCDB
  • Hemerson Pistori UCDB / UFMS


The search for the automation of processes within fish farms has encouraged the research of new methods for counting fingerlings. The purpose of these devices is to reduce manual labor, increase counting precision and reduce fish stress. The automatic counting system consists of software that uses computer vision techniques to process captured images and a mechanical structure to manipulate fingerlings. A difficulty encountered in image processing is the influence of lighting, which may vary according to the environment, position, and time of day that the device is used. In this paper, we vary the illumination intensity, measured by luxmeter, to identify if this variation interferes in the counting precision. We analyzed five video blocks recorded in the Pacu Project environment in Terenos-MS. A MSE of 9.85 was achieved. The conclusion was that the illumination interferes in the recognition of fingerlings in the video and, consequently, in the counting.


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GARCIA, Vanir et al. The influence of lighting on fingerlings counting. In: WORKSHOP DE VISÃO COMPUTACIONAL (WVC), 18. , 2023, São Bernardo do Campo/SP. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 148-153. DOI:

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