Variational Method Integrating Edge Detection and Smoothing in Digital Images

  • Italo M. F. Santos Laboratório National de Computação Científica
  • Abimael D. Loula Laboratório National de Computação Científica
  • Gilson A. Giraldi Laboratório National de Computação Científica
  • Gastão F. Miranda Junior Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Paulo S. S. Rodrigues Centro Universitário FEI


There is a consensus in computer vision about the importance of the scale concept for edge extraction and for image smoothing or representation. In this paper we explore a variational approach that allows to put together edge detection and image smoothing in a unified linear scheme. Basically, the functional proposed by Mumford and Shah is re-written as an energy defined with two arguments: the first one representing smooth versions of the original image and the second one encompassing its edge set. We follow known results in the variational analysis to obtain a numerical scheme to minimize the energy. We apply Fourier analysis to verify that the iterative scheme converges to a low-pass representation of the original image in the first argument and a high-pass signal in the other one. In the experimental results we show that the obtained scheme encourages intraregion image smoothing in preference to interregion blurring with edge localization at a desired scale.

Palavras-chave: smoothing, edge extraction, scale, variational Methods


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SANTOS, Italo M. F.; LOULA, Abimael D.; GIRALDI, Gilson A.; MIRANDA JUNIOR, Gastão F.; RODRIGUES, Paulo S. S.. Variational Method Integrating Edge Detection and Smoothing in Digital Images. In: WORKSHOP DE VISÃO COMPUTACIONAL (WVC), 15. , 2019, São Bernardo do Campo. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 1-6. DOI:

