Automatic Detection of Erythrocytes in Fishes using Clustering Segmentation and Supervised Learning

  • Kleyton Sartori Leite UFGD
  • Felipe Gomes da Silva UFGD
  • Bruno do Amaral Crispim UFGD
  • Felipe Merey UFGD
  • Alexeia Barufatti Grisolia UFGD
  • Willian Paraguassu Amorim UFGD


The growth of urban areas and the population has favored the increase in pollution and consequently the contamination of river waters. This clue has aroused interest in several aspects, mainly related to the fate and possible effects that these contaminants can cause to human health. The analysis of erythrocytes in fish is an efficient mechanism to identify the presence of genetical terations that maybe being caused by emergent contaminants. This article presents a new proposal for automatic identification of erythrocytes in fish using SLIC segmentation approach and connected components, adjusted using supervised learning, and presenting the performance evaluation in different aspects of the image.

Palavras-chave: Erythrocytes, Clustering Segmentation, Supervised Learning


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LEITE, Kleyton Sartori; DA SILVA, Felipe Gomes; CRISPIM, Bruno do Amaral; MEREY, Felipe; GRISOLIA, Alexeia Barufatti; AMORIM, Willian Paraguassu. Automatic Detection of Erythrocytes in Fishes using Clustering Segmentation and Supervised Learning. In: WORKSHOP DE VISÃO COMPUTACIONAL (WVC), 15. , 2019, São Bernardo do Campo. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 7-12. DOI:

