Understanding fully-connected and convolution allayers in unsupervised learning using face images

  • Lucas Fontes Buzuti Centro Universitário FEI
  • Carlos Eduardo Thomaz Centro Universitário FEI


The goal of this paper is to implement and compare two unsupervised models of deep learning: Autoencoder and Convolutional Autoencoder. These neural network models have been trained to learn regularities in well-framed face images with different facial expressions. The Autoencoder's basic topology is addressed here, composed of encoding and decoding multilayers. This paper approaches these automatic codings using multivariate statistics to visually understand the bottleneck differences between the fully-connected and convolutional layers and the corresponding importance of the dropout strategy when applied in a model.

Palavras-chave: deep neural network, autoencoder, convolutional autoencoder, multivariate statistics


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