Classification of weed in soybean crops using unmanned aerial vehicle images

  • Nícolas Alessandro de Souza Belete Federal University of Rondônia
  • Everton Castelão Tetila Federal University of Dourados
  • Gilberto Astolfi Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Hemerson Pistori Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul


Soybeans have been Brazil's main agricultural commodity, contributing substantially to the country's trade balance. However, their production and productivity costs are affected by weeds, diseases and pests. This paper proposes a computer vision system to monitor weeds in soybean fields using images captured by a UAV. The proposed system adopts the SLIC superpixels segmentation method to detect the plants in the images and visual attributes to describe the characteristics of the physical properties of the leaf, such as color, gradient, texture and shape. Our methodology evaluated the performance of three classifiers (kNN, Randon Forest and SVM) for images captured at a height of 3 meters. The best results were obtained by the SVM classification algorithm with accuracy of 91.34%. However, the results do not yet indicate that our approach can support experts and farmers in weed monitoring in soybean crops, requiring more images and experiments.

Keywords: classification, weeds, soybean crop, UAV, images


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BELETE, Nícolas Alessandro de Souza; TETILA, Everton Castelão; ASTOLFI, Gilberto; PISTORI, Hemerson. Classification of weed in soybean crops using unmanned aerial vehicle images. In: WORKSHOP ON COMPUTATIONAL VISION (WVC), 15. , 2019, São Bernardo do Campo. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 121-125. DOI:

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