Analyzing Character Networks in Portuguese-language Literary Works

  • Mariana O. Silva UFMG
  • Gabriel P. Oliveira UFMG
  • Mirella M. Moro UFMG


Literary works are complex narratives with multifaceted character relationships. Studying these relationships can reveal important insights into the story’s structure and each character’s contribution to the plot development. This research investigates character networks in Portuguese-language literature using two main analytical approaches: structural network analysis and character importance metrics. Our analyses emphasize the significance of character networks in understanding the narrative structure of literary works and reveal the intricate interplay between characters in Portuguese-language literature. These findings deepen our comprehension of literary works’ fundamental structure and the characters’ pivotal role in shaping the story.


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SILVA, Mariana O.; OLIVEIRA, Gabriel P.; MORO, Mirella M.. Analyzing Character Networks in Portuguese-language Literary Works. In: BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS AND MINING (BRASNAM), 12. , 2023, João Pessoa/PB. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 115-126. ISSN 2595-6094. DOI:

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