Development and application of the English course for the Masters and Doctorate on Facebook

  • C. E. Yoshida IFRS
  • L. C. G. Oliveira IFRS
  • P. O. Oliveira IFRS
  • R. K. Andrades IFRS
  • M. Nicolao IFRS


This article is an experience report related to the construction and development of a short course using Facebook as a virtual learning environment, for the final evaluation of the subject Computational Environments for Education, whose title is Instrumental English for Masters and Doctorates. This topic was chosen for its relevant importance and great demand, as these students need to take a reading proficiency test in a foreign language and many of them opt for the English language.

Keywords: LMS, Facebook, Computer in Education, English for Proficiency


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YOSHIDA, C. E.; OLIVEIRA, L. C. G.; OLIVEIRA, P. O.; ANDRADES, R. K.; NICOLAO, M.. Development and application of the English course for the Masters and Doctorate on Facebook. In: NATIONAL COMPUTING MEETING OF FEDERAL INSTITUTES (ENCOMPIF), 9. , 2022, Niterói. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 29-36. ISSN 2763-8766. DOI: